
在拍摄电影的过程中,是导演对剧本进行自我诠释的一个过程,而欣赏一部电影,观众不仅欣赏的是曼妙的光斑影像和跌宕的故事情节,更是对导演内心对剧本的一种解读,对主角生活轨迹的一种游走。电影摄影是一门艺术,是一门置形象于时间流动之中的艺术, 是创造富有艺术、思想活动的幻觉影像艺术, 是技术与艺术高度结合的产物。它既具有无可争辩的逼真性、再现性、纪实性, 又具有不容置疑的假定性、创造性。而一部好的电影总能引人入胜,通过电影拍摄角度也就是电影的镜头,让人们会情不自禁的走进电影的特定场景,感受片中主人公的内心世界,体味故事的内在深意。是银幕形象集体创作中不能替代的组成部分。同时不同的拍摄角度会带给人不同的视觉心理,这也是镜头赋予电影的一个特殊的魅力。

During the process of shooting a film,It's also a process for ditectors to interpret themselives of the play,But to enjoy a film,audiences not only enjoy the beautiful light spot and image or it's ebb and blow of storyline,It's more like a kind of interpretation to the play by the dietecors from their hearts,or a experience of the protagonist's life trajectory.
电影摄影是一门艺术,是一门置形象于时间流动之中的艺术, 是创造富有艺术、思想活动的幻觉影像艺术, 是技术与艺术高度结合的产物。它既具有无可争辩的逼真性、再现性、纪实性, 又具有不容置疑的假定性、创造性。
The movie photography is an art,which puts the image into the folw of time,it's a video art
creates the hallucination with art and thought activities,It's the highly combined product of technology and art .It has both incontestable reality , reproducibility,documentary and unarguable presumptive ,creativity.
However,a good movie can always be fascinating,through the angle of shooting a film,or you can say the camera for a film,people can't help but go into the special scene of the film,feel the inside world of the protagonist, and the profound meaning inside of the story.It's the irreplaceable components in the collective creative work of screen portrait.In the meantime,different shooting angle will bring people different visualization psychology,and that's also a kind of special charm of film endowed by shots.
第1个回答  2012-08-25
" The process of film shooting is the process of the director's self-interpretation on the script. While to appreciate a film, what the audiences watch are not the lithe and graceful spot images and ups and downs of the story, but also his inward explanations to the script and a wandering of the hero's life. Cinematography is an Art which has placed images in time flow, a creation of richness of arts and an illusion image art of mental activities. It is a product which is highly combined technology with Arts. It not only has indisputable verisimilitude, reproducibility and documentary nature, but also indubitable hypothesis and creativity. A good film can always be attractive, by watching the film shooting angles, also known as the film lens, people can't help walking into specific scenes in the film, feeling the hero's inner world and tasting the profound meanings of the story. This is an irreplaceable part in the collective creation of the screen images. At the same time, different shooting angles can bring to its audiences different visualization psychology which is also a special glamour of film given by the lens."


第2个回答  2012-08-24
During the filming process, is the director of the play were annotated with a process, and watch a movie, the audience is not only appreciate the graceful light spot image and the ups and downs of the story, is the director of the script inside an interpretation of the protagonist, a wandering life. Photography is an art, is a set image in the flow of time in art, is the creation of artistic thinking activities, the illusion of art, technology and art combined with a high degree of product. It is beyond all dispute verisimilitude, reproducibility, documentary, and allow all doubt hypothesis, creative. And a good film always fascinating, through the film shooting angle is also the scenes in the movie, so people will be overcome by one's feelings into the film a specific scene, feeling the film characters inner world, appreciate the story of the inner meaning. Is the screen image of collective creation cannot substitute part. At the same time different shooting angle will bring people different visual psychology, it is also the lens gives film a special charm.




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