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21 世纪教师应该是什么角色?21世纪社会信息化和知识经济的发展,对我们的教育提出了强烈的变革要求,传统的维持性学习方式正在向创新性学习转变,这就要求我们的教师必须从传统的局限于课堂40分钟传受角色向教育过程的指导者、组织者、参与者、的角色转变,教师要有更大的适应性和灵活性来面对他们的工作。社会发展到今天,科学技术飞速发展,社会急剧变革,计算机及信息技术也广泛的应用到教学中来,师生之间已经不完全是单纯的传递和接受关系了,学生可以从其他渠道获取知识,有时候甚至在某些方面比教师知道的还多,教师的权威地位受到了威胁,教师和学生的关系不那么单一了,教师的角色也多元化了。具备多元化的知识结构、一专多能的能力和优良的人格,是教师作为指导者的先决条件。教师具有丰富的知识和多种能力,不光能让学生敬佩,对学生装有感染力,而且,这也是学生生动活泼、充满启发性和创造性的必要条件。在现代社会,教师作为文化传承的执行者的基本职能并没有变,但他却不再象遗忘那样直接以权威的身份向学生传递经验,而是通过间接的方式实现文化传递,他以各种方式调动和引导学生参与学习活动,引导学生在自己精心设计的环境中进行探索,教师不再是单纯的传递者,而有可能同时作为学生的同伴、活动的组织者、学生学习过程的支持者和帮助者等等,教师的角色越来越向多重化方向发展。现代教师的角色主要有:






What role should the 21st century teacher be? The 21st century society informationization and knowledge economy's development, proposed to our education the intense transformation request, the traditional maintenance study way is transforming to the innovative study, this requests us the teacher to from the traditional limitation in the classroom 40 minutes biographies the role to the education process shepherd, the organizer, the participant, the role transformation, the teacher must have a bigger compatibility and the flexibility comes facing theirs work. Social development today, the science and technology swift development, the society transforms suddenly, the computer and in the information technology also widespread application teaching, between the teachers and students already not completely was the pure transmission and accepts has related, sometimes the student may from other channel knowledge acquisition, even know in certain aspects compared to the teacher also many, teacher's authoritative status has been threaten, the teacher and student's relations has been not so unitary, teacher's role also multiplied. Has ability which and fine personality the multiplex knowledge structure, masters many skills while specializing in one, is the teacher takes shepherd's precondition. The teacher has the rich knowledge and many kinds of abilities, not can only let the student admire, is loaded with the power to the student, moreover, this is also the student spirited, fills the instructive and the creative essential condition. In the modern society, the teacher has not changed as the cultural inheritance's performer's basic function, but he actually no longer likely forgets such to transmit the experience directly by authority's status to the student, but realizes the cultural transmission through the indirect way, he transfers and guides the student to participate in the learning activity by each way, guides the student to carry on the exploration in oneself careful design environment, the teacher no longer is the pure transmission, but has at the same time the possibility to take the student the companion, the active organizer, student learning process supporter and assistor and so on, teacher's roles more and more develop to the multi-densified direction. The modern teacher's role mainly has:
1, designer. the teacher wants to act according to the teaching goal and student's characteristic, chooses the teaching material and the teaching aid, the design teaching process, designs between the student and the material interaction. As the designer, the teacher wants to consider three questions: What is the teaching goal? What teaching goal chooses and the teaching strategy achieves this goal? What examination method chooses to examine the teaching effect?
2. shepherd. the shepherd has two kinds, one kind is the teacher studies on own initiative according to own active plan lives supplies some information, this process is similar in the traditional teaching teacher's function; Another kind is a student, in carries on the exploration to certain question situation time possibly will bump into some questions, will have the information deficient situation, at this time the student will seek the information on own initiative to the teacher, in this process, the student will be more initiative.
3. promoter. the teacher must through stimulate the student motive, provide the support for the student, provides essential counselling, support and demonstration and so on ways promotes student's study, causes the student to study is more thorough. Along with the student learning capability's enhancement, teacher's support reduces gradually.
4. organizer and superintendent. the teacher must carry on the teaching environment the control and the management, the organization classroom instruction, in the processing teaching process chance occurrence.
5. partner. the teacher must establish with the student has the good harmonious relations, understood that student's need, the study characteristic, the interest, the individuality hobby and so on, guaranteed does teaches students in accordance with their aptitude; Moreover, in the teaching process, the teacher may also carries on the discussion and the cooperation by the equal status and the student, solves the problem together.
6. resonsideration and researcher.
第1个回答  2008-02-19
Translates English under writing, does not strive for to be very accurate, causes itself to translate the line. Please do not use the translation software to help me entire to turn. Hoped that the English good each position helped me to turn the score also to be possible to supplement again has thanked first!!!

What role should the 21st century teacher be? The 21st century society informationization and knowledge economy's development, proposed to our education the intense transformation request, the traditional maintenance study way is transforming to the innovative study, this requests us the teacher to from the traditional limitation in the classroom 40 minutes biographies the role to the education process shepherd, the organizer, the participant, the role transformation, the teacher must have a bigger compatibility and the flexibility comes facing theirs work. Social development today, the science and technology swift development, the society transforms suddenly, the computer and in the information technology also widespread application teaching, between the teachers and students already not completely was the pure transmission and accepts has related, sometimes the student may from other channel knowledge acquisition, even know in certain aspects compared to the teacher also many, teacher's authoritative status has been threaten, the teacher and student's relations has been not so unitary, teacher's role also multiplied. Has ability which and fine personality the multiplex knowledge structure, masters many skills while specializing in one, is the teacher takes shepherd's precondition. The teacher has the rich knowledge and many kinds of abilities, not can only let the student admire, is loaded with the power to the student, moreover, this is also the student spirited, fills the instructive and the creative essential condition. In the modern society, the teacher has not changed as the cultural inheritance's performer's basic function, but he actually no longer likely forgets such to transmit the experience directly by authority's status to the student, but realizes the cultural transmission through the indirect way, he transfers and guides the student to participate in the learning activity by each way, guides the student to carry on the exploration in oneself careful design environment, the teacher no longer is the pure transmission, but has at the same time the possibility to take the student the companion, the active organizer, student learning process supporter and assistor and so on, teacher's roles more and more develop to the multi-densified direction. The modern teacher's role mainly has:

1st, designer.
The teacher wants to act according to the teaching goal and student's characteristic, chooses the teaching material and the teaching aid, the design teaching process, designs between the student and the material interaction. As the designer, the teacher wants to consider three questions: What is the teaching goal? What teaching goal chooses and the teaching strategy achieves this goal? What examination method chooses to examine the teaching effect?

2. shepherd.
The shepherd has two kinds, one kind is the teacher studies on own initiative according to own active plan lives supplies some information, this process is similar in the traditional teaching teacher's function; Another kind is a student, in carries on the exploration to certain question situation time possibly will bump into some questions, will have the information deficient situation, at this time the student will seek the information on own initiative to the teacher, in this process, the student will be more initiative.

3. promoter.
The teacher must through stimulate the student motive, provide the support for the student, provides essential counselling, support and demonstration and so on ways promotes student's study, causes the student to study is more thorough. Along with the student learning capability's enhancement, teacher's support reduces gradually.
4. organizer and superintendent.
The teacher must carry on the teaching environment the control and the management, the organization classroom instruction, in the processing teaching process chance occurrence.

5. partner.
The teacher must establish with the student has the good harmonious relations, understood that student's need, the study characteristic, the interest, the individuality hobby and so on, guaranteed does teaches students in accordance with their aptitude; Moreover, in the teaching process, the teacher may also carries on the discussion and the cooperation by the equal status and the student, solves the problem together.

6. resonsideration and researcher.
第2个回答  2008-02-20
21 What should be the role of teachers? 21st century development of the information society and the development of knowledge economy, our education made a strong demand for change, the traditional way of learning is learning to innovative change, which requires teachers to be confined to the classroom from the traditional 40 pm bell-by the process of education to the role of guidance, organizers, participants, the changing role of teachers should have greater adaptability and flexibility to deal with them in their work. Social development today, the rapid development of science and technology, rapid social change, computer and information technology is also applied to a wide range of teaching, teachers and students have not entirely pure transmission and acceptance of the relationship, students can acquire knowledge from other channels Sometimes indeed, in some areas than teachers know more, the authority of the teachers are under threat, the relationship between teachers and students is less a single, and the role of teachers has also diversified. With a wide range of knowledge structure, and multiple function capabilities and fine character, as teachers is a prerequisite for the guide. Teachers with a wealth of knowledge and a variety of capacities, not only allow students admiration for the students with infectious, but this is the students lively and full of inspiration and creativity of the necessary conditions. In modern society, teachers, as the implementation of cultural heritage of the basic functions and has not changed, but he has not forgotten as direct as to the identity of the authority to convey the experience, but through indirect means to achieve the cultural transmission in a variety of ways he mobilize and guide students in learning activities, and guide students in their own environment designed to explore, teachers no longer a simple transfer, and the possibility at the same time as fellow students, the organizers, students and supporters of the learning process help among others, increasing the role of teachers to develop in the direction of multiple. The role of modern teachers are:

1, the designer.
Teaching teachers according to the objectives and characteristics of the students choose teaching materials and teaching aids, teaching design process, design students and the interaction between materials. As designers, teachers should consider three questions: What is the goal of teaching? Choose what kind of teaching objectives and teaching strategies to achieve this goal? Choose what kind of means test to test teaching effect?

2. Mentors.
There are two guide, a teacher in accordance with its own programme of activities to the students take the initiative to provide some information, a process similar to the traditional teaching teachers in the functions of the other students is a problem in certain situations may be time to explore will encounter some problems, the lack of information emerging, and this time the students take the initiative to seek information to teachers, in the process, more students take the initiative.

3. Facilitator.
Teachers should inspire students through motivation, provides students with support, to provide the necessary guidance, support and demonstration, and so on ways to promote student learning, to help students learn more in-depth. With the improvement of students, teachers support gradually reduced.
4. Organizers and managers.
Teaching teachers to conduct environmental control and management, organizational classroom teaching, teaching in the process of dealing with unforeseen events.

5. Partners.
Teachers and students to establish a good and harmonious relations, understanding the needs of students, learning characteristics, interests, personality-loving, and to ensure that our abilities; In addition, in the process of teaching, teachers can also equal status with the students to discuss and co-operation to solve the problem.

6. Reflection and researchers.
第3个回答  2008-02-19
21 What should be the role of teachers? 21st century development of the information society and the development of knowledge economy, our education made a strong demand for change, the traditional way of learning is learning to innovative change, which requires teachers to be confined to the classroom from the traditional 40 pm bell-by the process of education to the role of guidance, organizers, participants, the changing role of teachers should have greater adaptability and flexibility to deal with them in their work. Social development today, the rapid development of science and technology, rapid social change, computer and information technology is also applied to a wide range of teaching, teachers and students have not entirely pure transmission and acceptance of the relationship, students can acquire knowledge from other channels Sometimes indeed, in some areas than teachers know more, the authority of the teachers are under threat, the relationship between teachers and students is less a single, and the role of teachers has also diversified. With a wide range of knowledge structure, and multiple function capabilities and fine character, as teachers is a prerequisite for the guide. Teachers with a wealth of knowledge and a variety of capacities, not only allow students admiration for the students with infectious, but this is the students lively and full of inspiration and creativity of the necessary conditions. In modern society, teachers, as the implementation of cultural heritage of the basic functions and has not changed, but he has not forgotten as direct as to the identity of the authority to convey the experience, but through indirect means to achieve the cultural transmission in a variety of ways he mobilize and guide students in learning activities, and guide students in their own environment designed to explore, teachers no longer a simple transfer, and the possibility at the same time as fellow students, the organizers, students and supporters of the learning process help among others, increasing the role of teachers to develop in the direction of multiple. The role of modern teachers are:
1, the designer.
Teaching teachers according to the objectives and characteristics of the students choose teaching materials and teaching aids, teaching design process, design students and the interaction between materials. As designers, teachers should consider three questions: What is the goal of teaching? Choose what kind of teaching objectives and teaching strategies to achieve this goal? Choose what kind of means test to test teaching effect?

2. Mentors.
There are two guide, a teacher in accordance with its own programme of activities to the students take the initiative to provide some information, a process similar to the traditional teaching teachers in the functions of the other students is a problem in certain situations may be time to explore will encounter some problems, the lack of information emerging, and this time the students take the initiative to seek information to teachers, in the process, more students take the initiative.

3. Facilitator.
Teachers should inspire students through motivation, provides students with support, to provide the necessary guidance, support and demonstration, and so on ways to promote student learning, to help students learn more in-depth. With the improvement of students, teachers support gradually reduced.
4. Organizers and managers.
Teaching teachers to conduct environmental control and management, organizational classroom teaching, teaching in the process of dealing with unforeseen events.

5. Partners.
Teachers and students to establish a good and harmonious relations, understanding the needs of students, learning characteristics, interests, personality-loving, and to ensure that our abilities; In addition, in the process of teaching, teachers can also equal status with the students to discuss and co-operation to solve the problem.

6. Reflection and researchers.



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