
翻译成英文。要求翻译水平。在初中水平-大家好,我是xxx,今天让我们播报一则新闻,我国运动员xxx在女子xx比赛中荣获第一名,拿到了我国的第一枚金牌,一下是对她的采访,请看报道 。 场上一片沸腾了,所有人都在欢呼呐喊。 好,亲爱的观众们,今天的新闻报道到此结束,欢迎观众明天继续收看。

Hello, this is XXX, today let's broadcast of news, our country athletes XXX xx in the women's game in the first place, to the country's first gold medal, it is to her interview, look at the report. On a piece of boiling, and everyone cheering scream. Well, dear audience, today's news reports to the end, the audience welcome tomorrow continue to watch.
第1个回答  2012-09-08
Greetings! This is xxx.

Let us bring / broadcast you a news today. Our women athelete, xxx, has won our country the first gold medal in xxx (比赛名称 -例如 Jump Diving in the 2012 Olympics Games (2012奥林匹克跳水比赛))若是小型比赛,可以加个competition在xxx后面。On the screen is our interview of her, please stay tuned. The field is coming to a boil, everyone is cheering and shouting with excitement. Alright, dear audiences, our broadcast ends here today. Please stay tuned with us tomorrow for more news. This news is brought to you by xxxx (可以是电台名称,赞助商名称,亦或是播报员名称)本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2012-09-08
good morning/afternoon.....I'm xxx,let's us see a news of sport.Today,our Chinese sporter of xxx got the champion in the competition of xx,that's the first gold medal in our country,the following is a detailed interview towards her.....all the people bursting with louder cheers. ok,my dear audience,that's all for today and we will meet tomorrow at the same time.
第3个回答  2012-09-08



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