
The E stands for professional Education, and includes all things pedagogical. It includes Foundations of Education, Human Growth and Development, Bilingual Education, and Developmental Reading and Writing. It specifically refers to methodology courses on approaches, methods, and techniques of language teaching and learning. Ideally, such courses are broken down into two components: a) theory and practice, and (b) materials preparation and techniques. Here also are included the indispensable Education practicum, supervised practice teaching, and such important activities as demonstrations, observation, and peer teaching in live classroom situations.
Frequently, one component of the course includes an experience in learning another language, usually an uncommonly taught language, as a "shock language." This is normally the case where there is no time for a separate course, in which the language laboratory, or more recently, language-learning technology, including the use of computer-aided instruction, is covered. Also, if there has been no special, individual course available, the equally indispensable field of foreign-language assessment, or Language Testing is introduced. Here, my Georgetown colleagues David P. Harris, and the late Robert Lado have been the earliest pioneers. More and more attention is now being given, in such methodology courses, to special techniques of developmental reading and writing as they relate to second-language acquisition.
The list of courses and the resulting competencies which they imply, of course, were never intended to be exhaustive or limiting, but only broadly suggestive of the content of a comprehensive foreign- or second-language teacher-education program. The competency objectives suggested are overlapping and are those which are normally included in courses and education whose primary objective was to help prospective and in-service teachers understand the nature of language and language systems, the process of language learning, and the interrelationship between language and culture. They also included courses, education, and experience whose primary objective was to provide theoretical and methodological foundations and practical experience leading to competence in teaching situations.
In short, the knowledge implied consists of an interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, applied linguistics approach, based on the most recent research on first- and second-language acquisition, anthropological linguistics, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, and, most recently, discourse analysis and language-learning strategies. Thus, language teachers are not merely trained, they are educated in the broadest sense of the word.

电子所主张的职业教育,并包括所有的东西,教育学。它包括基础教育,人力增长和发展,双语教育,并发展阅读和写作能力。它具体是指方法论课程,途径,方法和技巧的外语教学与学习。理想的是,这种课程被分解成两部分:一) ,理论与实践,以及( b )材料的制备和技巧。这里还包括一些必不可少的教育实习,督导的实践教学环节,而这些重要的活动,作为示范,观察,和同侪教学中的活教室的情况。
频繁,其中一个组成部分,当然也包括一种经历,在学习另一种语言,通常是一个非同寻常教语文,作为一种"休克语言" 。这是通常情况下是没有时间,为的是另外一条路,其中语言实验室,或更近,语言学习技术,其中包括利用电脑辅助教学,是有盖的。另外,如果一直存在,并没有特殊的,个别课程的情况下,同样是不可或缺的领域外文评估,或语言测试介绍。在这里,我的同事乔治大卫页哈里斯,和已故罗伯特lado一直是最早的开拓者。越来越多关注的是,现在正在考虑,在这种方法论课程,以特殊技术的发展性阅读和写作,因为这涉及到第二语言习得的。
第1个回答  2008-03-08



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