商务英语 合同中的几个句子 请帮忙翻译 我要翻译完毕送到银行的



1.Nomination:the seller must provide the buyer with the vessel's particulars in a timely manner prior to loading to secure acceptance of the vessel(s) from the discharge port(s) authorities.Such details are required for arranging on-time storage at the discharge port(s),and include but are not limited to:vessel name,flag,year of construction,assigned number and loaded arrival draft at the disport,and the expected date of arrival at the diaport(ETA)

2.Notice:the seller will instruct the vessel's master to send to the buyer's designated agent ETA notices every 48/24/12 hours prior to arrival at the discharge port.Notice of readiness (NOR) is to be tendered only during normal working hours,i.e. between 0800 and 1600 hours.

3.In the event that the buyer fails to issue the bank guarantee within 10 banking days of signing the hard copies,the buyer agrees to pay a penalty of 2% of one month's delivery for breach of SALES AND PURCHASE AGREEMENT to the seller without protest as penalty.

4.Spelling and typographical errors and differences of such nature between bank issued and beneficiary issued documents shall not be deemed discrepancies provided that the intent of the writer is clear from the context and in such case only UCP500 regulations shall apply at any time.

5.The settlement of this penalty will be dropped if the buyer himself is delayed in payment for transactions of specific shipments.A delay of shipment happens when the buyer does not present the documents in according to Clause 9 to the buyer within 90 days after the agreed shipping schedule in Appendix 2.
1.卖方在装货前,要及时提供船的详细资料给买方, 包括并不局限于: 船名,旗帜,船龄,签发文件数量到达时间,船预计到达时间,以便买方及时安排。
5.若买方在某批货物延迟付款,买方须赔付罚金。 如果买方未根据协议条款第9条在双方同意的开船时间(附件2)90天内提交相应资料,卖方可以延迟发货。

1.Nomination:the seller must provide the buyer with the vessel's particulars in a timely manner prior to loading to secure acceptance of the vessel(s) from the discharge port(s) authorities.Such details are required for arranging on-time storage at the discharge port(s),and include but are not limited to:vessel name,flag,year of construction,assigned number and loaded arrival draft at the disport,and the expected date of arrival at the disport(ETA)
建议:卖方必须要在向买方及时提供装船的细节,装船容量要符合卸货港口的停靠吨位。要求这样的细节是为了准时在卸货港安排地方存储货物,都包括但不仅限于:船的名称,旗号,建造年份,指定数量,额定吃水量和预计到达日期(Estimated Time of Arrival 估计到达时间)
2.Notice:the seller will instruct the vessel's master to send to the buyer's designated agent ETA notices every 48/24/12 hours prior to arrival at the discharge port.Notice of readiness (NOR) is to be tendered only during normal working hours,i.e. between 0800 and 1600 hours

3.In the event that the buyer fails to issue the bank guarantee within 10 banking days of signing the hard copies,the buyer agrees to pay a penalty of 2% of one month's delivery for breach of SALES AND PURCHASE AGREEMENT to the seller without protest as penalty.
4.Spelling and typographical errors and differences of such nature between bank issued and beneficiary issued documents shall not be deemed discrepancies provided that the intent of the writer is clear from the context and in such case only UCP500 regulations shall apply at any time.
5.The settlement of this penalty will be dropped if the buyer himself is delayed in payment for transactions of specific shipments.A delay of shipment happens when the buyer does not present the documents in according to Clause 9 to the buyer within 90 days after the agreed shipping schedule in Appendix

第1个回答  2008-03-04
1.nomination :卖方必须向买方提供与该船的详情,在之前及时加载,以确保船只验收( ) ,由港口卸货( ) authorities.such细节都需要安排时间的储存中心该港口卸货( s )和包括但不限于:船名,船旗,一年的建设,分配的数量和装货抵达草案在disport ,以及预期的日期到达该diaport (埃塔)
2.notice :卖方将责成该船的船长发送给买方指定的代理人埃塔告示每48/24/12小时之前抵达时燃放port.notice的准备(或者) ,是进行招标,只有在正常工作时间,即08时00分和16时10分
3.in万一买家未能签发银行保证在10天内银行签署硬拷贝时,买方同意支付违约金的2 %一个月的交货违约销售与购买协议,以卖方没有抗议由于刑罚。
五,解决这一刑罚将下降,如果买方自己是拖延支付交易的具体shipments.a延误装运的情况时,买方没有提出任何文件,在根据第9至买方后90天内同意船期在附录2 。
第2个回答  2008-03-05
1.提名:卖方必须向买方提供与该船的详情,在之前及时加载,以确保船只验收( ) ,由港口卸货( ) authorities.such细节都需要安排时间储存在卸货港口( s )和包括但不限于:船名,船旗,一年的建设,分配的数量和装货抵达草案在disport ,以及预期的日期到达该diaport (埃塔)这是用于在重名港口下注名所属的国家或地区
2.通知:卖方将责成该船的船长发送给买方指定的代理人埃塔告示每48/24/12小时之前抵达时燃放port.notice的准备(或者) ,是进行招标,只有在正常工作时间内,即08时00分和16时10分。
3.在万一买家未能签发银行保证在10天内银行签署硬拷贝时,买方同意支付违约金的2 %一个月的交货违约销售与购买协议,以卖方没有抗议,由于刑罚。
5.解决这一刑罚将下降,如果买方自己是拖延支付交易的具体时间装运延误装运的情况时,买方没有提出任何文件,在根据第9至买方后90天内通过船舶附表在附录2 。


第3个回答  2008-03-04
be dropped是被撤销的意思



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