
在一些发达国家,由机车牵引的普通客车正在被轻便、快捷的动车组和轻轨车所取代,动车组、轻轨列车正在逐步成为铁路客运的主要工具。动车组是城间和省际客运的重要运输工具,而城市轻轨车辆与地铁列车是缓解城市交通拥挤的重要工具。在我国,城市人口的急剧增长和城市规模的不断扩张,使得传统的交通模式已不能满足城市发展的要求。轻轨车辆对承运能力、环境污染、乘坐舒适度、安全性能等诸多方面有重要影响。各国研制了种类繁多的轻轨车辆, 体现了社会需求的多样性, 也说明了轻轨车辆技术的复杂性。轻轨车辆包括车体、转向架、电气系统、空气制动系统等部分, 涉及轻轨车辆的设计和制造技术是多方面的。轻轨车辆的车体作为运送乘客和承载设备的主体, 对其强度、刚度、稳定性等都有较高的要求, 在满足结构要求的同时, 还要保证重量轻、耐腐蚀、造型美观等。如何解决好这个矛盾, 必然成为轻轨车辆设计和制造技术中的重要研究课题。

关键词:轻轨 低地板车辆 转向架


In some developed countries, the average passenger locomotive traction by being light, fast train and light rail car replaced, mu trains, light rail is gradually become the main railway passenger transportation tool. Emu is between cities and provinces of passenger transport important, and urban light rail vehicle and the subway train is to alleviate the important tool of urban traffic congestion. In our country, the urban population has increased dramatically and expansion of the size of city, make the traditional transportation mode can not meet the requirement of the development of the city. Light rail vehicles to transport capacity, environmental pollution, take comfort, safety performance, and other aspects have important influence. Developed countries to a wide variety of light rail vehicles, reflect the diversity of the social requirements, and point out the complexity of the light rail vehicle technology. Light rail vehicles including car body, bogie, electrical system, air braking system parts, involving light rail vehicle design and manufacturing technology is multifaceted. Light rail vehicles bodywork as carry people and carrying equipment main body, the strength, stiffness and stability to wait to have higher demand, and to meet the requirements of the structure and at the same time, it also ensures that light weight, corrosion resistance, beautiful modelling, etc. How to solve this contradiction, will surely become the light rail vehicle design and manufacturing technology to the important research subject.

Keywords: light rail vehicle bogie low floor

第1个回答  2012-06-04
In some developed countries, the ordinary passenger locomotive traction being lightweight, fast EMU and light rail vehicles, replaced by EMU, the light rail train is gradually becoming the main tool of the railway passenger. EMU is an inter-city and inter-provincial passenger transport, urban light rail vehicles and subway trains is an important tool for urban traffic congestion. In China, the rapid growth of urban population and the continuous expansion of the urban scale, the traditional mode of transport can not meet the requirements of urban development. Light rail vehicles on the carrier capacity, environmental pollution, ride comfort, and safety performance and other aspects have a major impact. States have developed a wide range of light rail vehicles, reflecting the diversity of the needs of the community, and also illustrates the complexity of the light rail vehicle technology. Light rail vehicles, including the part of the body, bogie, electrical systems, air brake system, involving light rail vehicle design and manufacturing technology are many. The body of the light rail vehicles, as there are higher requirements for the transport of passengers and carrying equipment main body, its strength, stiffness, stability, at the same time meet the structural requirements, but also to ensure light weight, corrosion resistance, attractive appearance. How to resolve this conflict, will inevitably become an important research topic in the light rail vehicle design and manufacturing technology.
第2个回答  2012-06-04
In some developed countries, the ordinary passenger locomotive traction being lightweight, fast EMU and light rail vehicles, replaced by EMU, the light rail train is gradually becoming the main tool of the railway passenger. EMU is an inter-city and inter-provincial passenger transport, urban light rail vehicles and subway trains is an important tool for urban traffic congestion. In China, the rapid growth of urban population and the continuous expansion of the urban scale, the traditional mode of transport can not meet the requirements of urban development. Light rail vehicles on the carrier capacity, environmental pollution, ride comfort, and safety performance and other aspects have a major impact. States have developed a wide range of light rail vehicles, reflecting the diversity of the needs of the community, and also illustrates the complexity of the light rail vehicle technology. Light rail vehicles, including the part of the body, bogie, electrical systems, air brake system, involving light rail vehicle design and manufacturing technology are many. The body of the light rail vehicles, as there are higher requirements for the transport of passengers and carrying equipment main body, its strength, stiffness, stability, at the same time meet the structural requirements, but also to ensure light weight, corrosion resistance, attractive appearance. How to resolve this conflict, will inevitably become an important research topic in the light rail vehicle design and manufacturing technology.本回答被提问者采纳



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