



    look very much like 提及的是明显的相似,像是这样:“That car is a perfect replica of the one I once owned, every detail just like the original."
    be just like 强调的是完全的相似,例如:“Her identical twin, they could be mistaken for one another at first glance."
    be the spitting image of (美式英语) 或 be the (living) image of (英式英语),这两个短语常用于形容酷似的外表:“Her golden locks perfectly resemble her mother's, making her a living embodiment of her.
    could pass forcould be mistaken for 则强调易混淆的程度:“In the crowd, you could easily blend in as her doppelgänger, so alike you are."

有时候,我们会用到 look-alikesb's double 这样的术语,比如:“The new General Manager's striking resemblance to Mel Gibson left no doubt in anyone's mind."

在英式口语中,sb's double 用来形容几乎一模一样的人:“I met your double at the party, it was uncanny how much you resembled each other.

当然,这些表达方式还可以用于形容一个人与名人或公众人物的相似:“Her fashion sense is a double take, as she dresses like a celebrity impersonator.

同时,double 这个词也有着丰富的内涵,可以指代一个人身兼二职,如“Her secretary doubles as her housekeeper, showcasing her efficiency.

在日常生活中,事物的双重功能也常被这样描述:“The multifunctional room is a double delight, serving as both a study and a bedroom.

而谈到替身演员,double 就是指代特级替身演员:“In the film, the action scenes were seamlessly executed with the help of a skilled double.

最后,on the doubleat the double 强调的是快速行动:“In response to the emergency, we must act at the double to ensure prompt resolution.

至于形容与亲人相似,be like/look like/take after 是常见的选择:“Your child's temperament mirrors your own, showing that be a chip off the old block 确实适用。”





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