
只有20分 不好意思哈,全身家当了。

Enter twenty-first Century, accompanied by the computer into the tens of thousands of households, the network gradually infiltrated into every aspect of our lives. Webpage as a propaganda enterprise and self-display platform, its importance is also more and more enterprises attention. Therefore, webpage making industry has gradually become a kind of occupation. Currently used for webpage making software very much, but according to many webpage maker of many years of experience, Dreamweaver+Photoshop is the strongest combination of making webpage, webpage making them in effect chart, making webpage animation, as well as making Web format page served as the important role. With the Adobe company released the CS5 series design software, Dreamweaver and Photoshop binding more tightly, the use of more convenient. Skilled in the use of the two kinds of design software, can greatly improve the webpage design and production efficiency, in order to produce exquisite webpage.Commercial webpage is to users and network to provide products and services in a way, is the enterprises to develop e-commerce infrastructure and information platform, the webpage page by the specific text (heading, Email address, unit name, legal person and other ), trademarks, product graphics, business signs (logo ), and the information menu elements, these elements affect different show readers visual habits and psychological changes. The design and Waugh house site, in order to show and Waugh house corporate image, introduced and Waugh 's products and services, embodiment and Waugh house development strategy.
第1个回答  2012-06-06
自己翻译吧,用谷歌,就翻译就修改,谁懒得给你翻译,况且大家都在忙毕业设计。再说了, 辛苦一番,未必能得到悬赏金!



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