
As I an one of that sauntering tribe of mortals, who spend the greatest part of thime in taverns, coffeehouses, and other places of public resort, I have thereby an opportunity of observing an infinite variety of characters, which, to a person of a contemplative turn, is a much higher entertainment than a view of all the curiosities of art or nature. In one of these, my late rambles, I accidentally fell into the company of half a dozen gentlemen, who were engaged in a warm dispute about some pome political affair; the decision of which, as they were equally divibeb in their sentiments, they thought proper to refer to me, which naturally drew me in for a share of the conversation.
Amongst a multiplicity of other topics, we took occasion to talk of the different characters of the several nations of Europe;when one of the gentlemen, cocking his hat, and assuming such an air of importanceas if he had possessed all the merit of the English nation in his own person, declared that the Dutch were a parcel of avaricious wretches;the French a set of flattering sycophants, that the Germans were drunkensots, andbeastlyglutton, and the Spaniards proud, haughty, and surly tyrants; but that in bravery, generosity, clemency, and in every other virtue, the Eiglish excelled all the rest of the world.
This very learned and judicious remark was received with a general smile of approbation by all the company--all, I mean, but your humble servant; who, endavouring to keep my gravity as well as Icould, and reclining my head upon my arm, continued for some time in a posture of affected thoughtfulness, as if Ihad been musing on something else, and did not seem to attend to the subject of converstion; hoping by these means to avoid the disagreeable necessity of explaining myself。

正如我一个一个的说, sauntering部落的凡人,他们花费了大部份的时间,酒馆,咖啡馆,以及其他的公共场所,度假,我有从而有机会观察一个无限的各种人物,其中一个人一contemplative反过来,是一个高得多的娱乐,比看所有求知的艺术或性质。在其中之一,我的已故漫游,我不小心一头栽进公司半年的十多位嘉宾,他们进行了热烈的争议,一些水果的政治内政;决定,其中,因为他们同样鸿沟,在他们的情绪,他们以为适当的转介对我来说,这自然会引起我的一个份额的交谈。
当中繁多的其他议题中,我们曾场合讲不同特征的几个欧洲国家;时,其中的嘉宾,焦化他的帽子,并假设这样一个空气中的意义,如果他已经具备了所有的优点,在英语民族,在他自己的人宣称,荷兰分别位于同安区贪得无厌wretch ;法语一套拍马屁sycophants ,认为德国人是喝醉酒ensots ,兽lyglutton ,西班牙人骄傲,傲慢,并surly霸,但在勇敢,慷慨,宽大处理,并在每一个其他涵养,英语出众,其余所有对世界的看法。
这个教训和卓识的这句话得到了普遍的微笑赞许,由该公司所有-一切,我的意思是,但你卑微的仆人;卫生组织, e ndavouring,以保持我的重心,以及我可以和躺在我的头后,我的胳膊持续一段时间,在一个姿势的影响,体贴,好象已经musing对另一回事,似乎没有出席了这一主题的谈话;希望通过这些手段,以避免不愉快的必要性,解释自己了。
第1个回答  2020-02-03



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