
1.Whatever team wins on saturday will go through the national champions 2.The reason why they were always poor was whether they paid little attention to education 3.It was after he got what he had desired when he realized it was not so important 4.It has been announced that candidates will remain in their seats until all papers have been collected 5.The fire is too small to compete on large international companies 6.Because he was working hard ,his dream realized at last

1.whatever( 改为whichever根据句意要用无论哪一个,所以要用这个词。) team wins on saturday will go through to the national championships
2.the reason why they were always poor was whether(改为that因为reason做主语它的表语从句一定用that来引导。) they paid little attention to education
3.it was after he got what he had desired when(改为that根据句子结构和句意。句子为强调句所以用构成强调句的that) he realized it was not so important
4.it has been announced that candidates will(改为shall因为是第三人称做主语用这个情态动词表示命令) remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected
5.the fire is too small to compete on (改为with因为compete with是一固定搭配“和...竟争”)large international companies
6.because he was working hard,his dream(加上was因主语和谓语动词之间是被动关系要用被动语态) realized in last
第1个回答  2012-05-31
1.whatever( 改为whichever根据句意要用无论哪一个,所以要用这个词。) team wins on saturday will go through to the national championships
2.The reason why they were always poor was whether(改为that因为reason做主语它的表语从句一定用that来引导。) they paid little attention to education
3.It was after he got what he had desired when(改为that根据句子结构和句意。句子为强调句所以用构成强调句的that) he realized it was not so important
4.it has been announced that candidates will(改为shall因为是第三人称做主语用这个情态动词表示命令) remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected
5.the fire is too small to compete on (改为with因为compete with是一固定搭配“和...竟争”)large international companies
6.because he was working hard,his dream(加上was因主语和谓语动词之间是被动关系要用被动语态) realized in last
第2个回答  2012-05-31
1.WHICHEVER team wins on Saturday will go through the national champions (强调范围内的任何一个)
2.The reason why they were always poor was THAT they paid little attention to education (宾语从句,要有that引导)
3.It was after he got what he had desired THAT he realized it was not so important (that是强调句的连接词)
4.It has been announced that candidates SHALL remain in their seats until all papers have been collected (对candidates的要求,用shall表示)
5.The firm is too small to compete AGAINST large international companies (compete是不及物动词,后面要加上介词against)
6.Because he was working hard ,his dream WAS realized at last (be realized在这里是被动语态)本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2012-05-31
1.whatever-whichever 无论哪个团队。
2. whether-that 为什么他们总是穷困的原因是因为他们不注重教育。 因为已经在解释什么原因所以后面表语从句不需要疑问性质。
3.when-that。 这是一句强调句。 就是在他得到他一直期望的东西以后他才意识到这东西并不是那么的重要。
5.compete on-compete with 与。。。相竞争。 这个火力是如此小以至于不能和大的国际公司竞争
6. realized-came true 实现梦想realize one's dream =one's dream come true
第4个回答  2012-05-31
1.Whichever team wins on saturday will go through the national champions 2.The reason why they were always poor was that they paid little attention to education 3.It was after he got what he had desired that he realized it was not so important 4.It has been announced that candidates should remain in their seats until all papers have been collected 5.The fire is too small to compete with large international companies 6.Because he was working hard ,his dream was realized at lastwhewhether



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