
内容:在一个外号叫“红发”的当代最强的海贼的影响下,一个叫做蒙奇。D.路飞的7岁少年立志要成为像他一样,甚至超过他的人——成为“海贼王”。于是在多年的艰苦修炼以后他终于起航,开始了一段段不可思议的旅行。在这之中他认识了另外8个有这各自远大梦想的伙伴就像是:想成为第一剑客的罗罗诺亚.索隆;想找到(传说中有着所有种类的鱼的)“All the blue"的香吉士等。并和他们建立了深厚的友谊,一起向伟大航路的终点进发。他(路飞)可能并不聪明,甚至有点傻,总是大喊:我是要成为海贼王的男人”。但他重视友情,勇敢,不论遇到什么困难都不曾放弃过他的梦想。让许多青少年受益良多。

Under the influence of the contemporary pirates of the strongest "red hair", a nickname called Monkey. D. Luffy's 7-year-old boy determined to become like him, even more than his people - to become "One Piece". So after years of hard practice, he finally set sail to begin a section of the incredible travel. In these, he knew another eight this their lofty dreams partners like: want to be the Rolls-Royce in the first swordsman Noah. Sauron; want to find (legend has all kinds of fish) - All the blue "Hong custard. And they established a profound friendship, and marching together to the end of a great route. (Luffy) may not be smart, and even a bit silly, always shouting: I want to become a Piece of man ". But he attaches importance to friendship, courage, regardless of the difficulties encountered, have not given up his dream. so many young people benefited. 望采纳
第1个回答  2012-04-22
Under the influence of the contemporary pirates of the strongest "red hair", a nickname called Monkey. D. Luffy's 7-year-old boy determined to become like him, even more than his people - to become "One Piece". So after years of hard practice, he finally set sail to begin a section of the incredible travel. In these, he knew another eight this their lofty dreams partners like: want to be the Rolls-Royce in the first swordsman Noah. Sauron; want to find (legend has all kinds of fish) - All the blue "Hong custard. And they established a profound friendship, and marching together to the end of a great route. (Luffy) may not be smart, and even a bit silly, always shouting: I want to become a Piece of man ". But he attaches importance to friendship, courage, regardless of the difficulties encountered, have not given up his dream. so many young people benefited.
第2个回答  2012-04-22

大佬 楼上的就是一句句翻译的好吧




看来我表达能力确实不行 暴汗

第3个回答  2012-04-24
第4个回答  2012-04-22



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