影片从海底出击《从海底出击》第33分30秒中的那段背景音乐 是什么

很简短的一段 就是船长让放音乐的那段 比较欢快的音乐 是什么

歌名叫 It's A Long Long Way To Tipperary

        该歌的作者是音乐厅演奏家外加作曲家Jack Juge,1872年出生于英格兰西米德兰兹的伍斯特郡,他一生音乐作品的巅峰之作,就是这首《It's a long way to Tipperary》。他的父亲以及祖父母都是爱尔兰,而他的祖父母的故乡就是Tipperary(蒂伯雷利)。 

    1912年1月31日这天的晚上,斯泰利布里奇大剧院第一次响起了这首歌的旋律,演唱者是女歌手Florrie Ford。歌曲非常诙谐欢快,朗朗上口,所以一鸣惊人。 

    1913-1914年,Jack Juge去都柏林旅行期间,遇到了一些皇家爱尔兰团的“康诺特游骑兵”部队的士兵。他们在早先时候就曾经在在Tipperary驻扎。因此,这首歌一瞬间就风靡了该部队。 

    1914年8月18日,英国《每日邮报》的记者George Curnock报道了皇家爱尔兰团的“康诺特游骑兵”部队唱着这首充满爱尔兰特色的歌曲,行军进入布伦的实况。从而让It's a Long Way to Tipperary进入了欧洲大陆。1914年,爱尔兰著名歌唱家John McCormack演唱此歌,终于,轰动一时,风靡世界。当时,英国人,法国人,德国人,俄国人,美国人,甚至中国人,都知道这首歌!

    It's a Long Way to Tipperary成为了英国全盛时期的象征,号称英国第二国歌(当然Rule Britannia应该是正统英国第二国歌,哈)。被士兵传唱(海军尤其喜爱),出现了多国语言不下十种版本。每种版本都相当诙谐有趣,充满属于一群人的欢乐。比如法语版里面的歌词会出现 法国万岁-Hooray poor les francais和再见了英格兰-au revoir Angleterre~ 


Up to mighty London 

Came an Irishman one day. 

As the streets are paved with gold 

Sure, everyone was gay, 

Singing songs of Piccadilly, 

Strand and Leicester Square, 

Till Paddy got excited, 

Then he shouted to them there: 

    It's a long way to Tipperary, 

    It's a long way to go. 

    It's a long way to Tipperary 

    To the sweetest girl I know! 

    Goodbye, Piccadilly, 

    Farewell, Leicester Square! 

    It's a long long way to Tipperary, 

    But my heart's right there. 


Paddy wrote a letter 

To his Irish Molly-O, 

Saying, "Should you not receive it, 

Write and let me know!" 

"If I make mistakes in spelling, 

Molly, dear," said he, 

"Remember, it's the pen that's bad, 

Don't lay the blame on me! 

    It's a long way to Tipperary, 

    It's a long way to go. 

    It's a long way to Tipperary 

    To the sweetest girl I know! 

    Goodbye, Piccadilly, 

    Farewell, Leicester Square! 

    It's a long long way to Tipperary, 

    But my heart's right there. 

Molly wrote a neat reply 

To Irish Paddy-O, 

Saying Mike Maloney 

Wants to marry me, and so 

Leave the Strand and Piccadilly 

Or you'll be to blame, 

For love has fairly drove me silly: 

Hoping you're the same! 

    It's a long way to Tipperary, 

    It's a long way to go. 

    It's a long way to Tipperary 

    To the sweetest girl I know! 

    Goodbye, Piccadilly, 

    Farewell, Leicester Square! 

    It's a long long way to Tipperary, 

    But my heart's right there. 

An alternative concluding chorus, bawdy by contemporaneous standards:

That's the wrong way to tickle Mary, 

That's the wrong way to kiss. 

Don't you know that over here, lad 

They like it best like this. 

Hooray pour Les Fran?ais 

Farewell Angleterre. 

We didn't know how to tickle Mary, 

But we learnt how over there.



第1个回答  推荐于2016-03-02
《从海底出击》第33分30秒中的那段背景音乐 是《 It's A Long Long Way To Tipperary》。
歌曲:It's a Long Way to Tipperary
作词、作曲:Jack Juge
演奏:Jack Juge

Up to mighty London came
An Irish lad one day,
All the streets were paved with gold,
So everyone was gay!
Singing songs of Piccadilly,
Strand, and Leicester Square,
'Til Paddy got excited and
He shouted to them there:
It's a long way to Tipperary,
It's a long way to go.
It's a long way to Tipperary
To the sweetest girl I know!
Goodbye Piccadilly,
Farewell Leicester Square!
It's a long long way to Tipperary,
But my heart's right there.
Paddy wrote a letter
To his Irish Molly O',
Saying, "Should you not receive it,
Write and let me know!
If I make mistakes in "spelling",
Molly dear", said he,
"Remember it's the pen, that's bad,
Don't lay the blame on me".
It's a long way to Tipperary,
It's a long way to go.
It's a long way to Tipperary
To the sweetest girl I know!
Goodbye Piccadilly,
Farewell Leicester Square,
It's a long long way to Tipperary,
But my heart's right there.
Molly wrote a neat reply
To Irish Paddy O',
Saying, "Mike Maloney wants
To marry me, and so
Leave the Strand and Piccadilly,
Or you'll be to blame,
For love has fairly drove me silly,
Hoping you're the same!"
It's a long way to Tipperary,
It's a long way to go.
It's a long way to Tipperary
To the sweetest girl I know!
Goodbye Piccadilly,
Farewell Leicester Square,
It's a long long way to Tipperary,
But my heart's right there.
Extra wartime verse
That's the wrong way to tickle Mary,
That's the wrong way to kiss!
Don't you know that over here, lad,
They like it best like this!
Hooray pour le Francais!
Farewell, Angleterre!
We didn't know the way to tickle Mary,
But we learned how, over there!



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