
眼下,街头巷议,人们的热门话题总离不开“三贵”:买房贵`上学贵 看病贵。 请根据这几句话写一篇英语小作文,字数120左右
谢谢各位 请英语好的帮帮我吧 thank you very much!!!

It’s Time to Reduce Loads

Nowadays it is often talked about that there are three things that people can’t afford.It is expensive to buy houses, to pay for the children’s education and to see the doctor. It is really true about this. As is shown in the picture, some people are burdened with these high expenses all their lives. Some people even get into heavy debt even though they work hard and make every effort to earn money or save every coin. Some people have to say good-bye to the doctor because of lack of money or they have a heavy debt load.
In my opinion, the government should build up a perfect system to meet the basic need of living. The expense on houses, tuition and medicine should be cut down so that everyone can enjoy a better life
第1个回答  2007-12-08
Currently in the streets, the most popular converstaion topic revolves around the three expenses: housing, education, medicine



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