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The Beijing transportation system is already quite extensive and is being expanded on a daily basis. The Subway and the City Rail run every 3 to 5 minutes and are the fastest method of public transportation available. Buses are the cheapest way to get around the city, but currently with routes written in Chinese only, it’s a bit difficult to navigate the city this way. Every Olympic Games create their own specific Olympic Bus Routes leading directly to event venues. Count on these buses to have information written in English.

Everyone’s heard the line how Beijing accepts 1,000 new drivers to its roads every day. It sounds pretty unbelievable but in a city with over 15 million inhabitants, it becomes more realistic to believe once you've spent a couple minutes here. DO NOT even think about renting a car. Even if it weren't illegal, you wouldn't want to take it on.

That being said, you should feel at ease knowing that there are more than 60,000 taxis in Beijing. Every driver maneuvers the city’s streets with a certain sense of urgency and aggressiveness. The best tip is to take the taxi and skip the novelty of taking a rickshaw. The latter may amount to a hefty amount that you never agreed to and you’ll have difficulty negotiating what you think is a fair price (after the fact).

Also, you want t to hail a taxi from the street and not in front of a hotel for the best rates and for a more honest taxi driver! Often times, the taxis in front of the hotels will attempt to charge you for their waiting time. Please keep this in mind as well: be sure to watch the driver start the meter, avoid the black taxis, find one that is from one of the official companies and do not get into a taxi with someone who approaches you on the street or from their taxi. Someone at your hotel will be able to write your destination down for you in Mandarin in case your driver doesn’t understand where you’d like to go.

The minumum price for a single taxi ride is 10 YUAN/RMB (about $1.50 U.S.). If your journey is over 3 km, the taxi ride is 2 yuan per kilometer. The fare for a journey on a public bus is 1 RMB in the city and 2 RMB in the suburbs. Beijing Subway fares vary depending on which line you take. A single trip on Line Batong is 2 RMB, a single trip on Line 1, Line 2 and the City Rail Line #13 are 3 RMB each. The transfer set ticket between Line 13 and any city line is 5 RMB; the transfer set ticket between Line Batong and any city line is 4 RMB.

By the Olympics in August, Beijing 2008 will have created five new metro lines, with two of them leading to the Olympic Green where a few event venues are located. Currently Beijing has 2 metro lines; this number will triple by the 2008 Games. Out of the 5 new routes, two of them: the Olympic Line #10 and the North/South Line #5 will serve the Beijing Olympic Green to make accessing the venues simple and convenient without all of the hassle above ground on the street!
Transport Beijing 2008 Olympics Transportation

The transportation in Beijing China has been transformed in the last few years. Much of this has been due to the massive economic expansion in this country but also special measures have been put in place for the Beijing Olympic Game

If you plan to use the transport system in Beijing - buses, light rail and subway or metro - you can get a Public Transportation Card. You can get these at certain ticket outlets. You prepay an amount you plan to spend on fares plus a deposit of 20 yuan. Then just use it for your trips, it will save you having to search for change etc. If you havent used up the prepaid amount when you are leaving Beijing, you can get a refund of your deposit and any unused amount.

The Beijing Subway - Beijing Metro

The subway in Beijing is efficient and speedy and with the population of more than 18m it is an essential part of moving people around. For many years there have been two subway lines - the first was opened in 1969. One provided a central circle route and the other ran roughly east to west. This was supplemented by a Light Rail system serving the northern reaches of the city.

Now additional lines have been built and one of these will specially serve the main Olympic Green area for access to most of the more popular Olympic Games venues and Olympic arennas.

A good representation of the subway map Beijing can be found here. This map also shows the two Light Rail Beijing services. When you arrive in Beijing pick up the most uptodate Beijing metro Beijing subway map.

The cost of travelling on the subway is very reasonable - only 3 to 5 yuan. Although it may appear daunting at first to English speakers in fact it is very simple. Inside the stations, the information is given in English as well as Chinese. The approaching stations are announced in the train again in both English and Chinese (the difficulty is hearing the announcement with the train noises and passenger chat).

A good tip is to get your hotel to write down, firstly the subway station nearest to your hotel, and secondly the destination station you wish to go to - in chinese characters, which you can then show to any Beijing resident - you'll find the Chinese very, very helpful. It is also helpful to know the "end Station" of the line you wish to travel on as this will ensure you are going in the correct direction as you select your boarding platform.

Bus transport Beijing 2008

Thee bus service in Beijing has also been overhauled over the last five years. There is now a fleet of modern, airconditioned vehicles, many of them using environmentally friendly fuel systems. The Beijing bus service is more difficult than the subway for foreigners as there is a maze of different routes. Once you know the right bus number and its stopping places, all is simple. If you're planning on using the bus in Beijing, check out about those that traverse the route stopping at every stop, and those that go the route but only stop at certain stops.


There are, would you believe, over 60,000 taxis in Beijing! At present in preparation for the Olympic Games 2008 they are being modernised and metered. Plus, most will form part of the "intelligent transport" information being incorporated into the transport system in time for the Games. Again, there is a language barrier so do have your destination clearly thought out. If there is any question of the meter not being used - ie for long hires, long distances, agree the fare in advance, as you would in any city.

Road Transport in Beijing.

In addition to the improvements in public transporation billions of dollars are being spent on improving the road network in and around Beijing and particularly in the northern sector where most of the OLympic Games activity will take place. Some 200km of the cities inner roads are being upgraded and a fifth and sixth ring road is almost completed to add to the other three ring roads around the city.

iIt is planned to have and Olympic Lane on all the main routes to the venues and arenas for the Olympic Games .

Because of the increased ownership of cars in Beijing, there is concern about the environment and about pollution. The Government is taking many measure to ensure that this problem is solved by the time of the Olympic Games 2008. To reduce the smog in Beijing many approaches are being implemented, the banning of certain types of fuels, the moving of some power stations and major industry to sites outside the city.

In August 2007, a trial took place which involved banning 50% of private cars from entering Beijing each day. From a Thurday to Monday inclusive, more than 1.3 million cars stayed off the roads - based on the odd and even numbers of the number plates. This follows the moves made by other cities prior to their Olympic Games. The trial in August 2007 has been very successful and did reduce the "smog index". It did place a stress on the public transport system in Beijing as it is estimated that about 2 million more public transport journeys were made than is usual!

Authorities consider the experiment a success and reckon that it has provided valuable information so that more prolonged control of car transport can be implemented.

第1个回答  2007-12-16
Beijing six ring circuits next year on all fronts will link up

One vigorously strengthens the transportation infrastructureconstruction, will expand the capital airport, speeds up the tracktransportation construction, speeds up the road loop lineconstruction, span 200 kilometers six ring circuits next year on allfronts links up; 8 highways will complete in the year.

Two, strengthens the transportation scientific management using themodern high tech method, sharpens the travelling capability, exceptadditionally builds outside the massive electronic monitoringequipment in the street intersection, the new large-scale trafficguidance center is constructing.

Three is vigorously strengthens the resident to observe law anddiscipline the quality and the common courtesy education, causes thedriving and the pedestrian mutually does not disturb, enhances thegeneral efficiency.

Four, can act according to the international convention, takes thetemporary administrative measure, enhances the transportation passthrough the safeguard ability.

Formerly several session of Olympic Games sponsored the city all toappear some temporary transportation measures, the practice had proventhese measures were effective. Jiang Xiaoyu indicated, Beijingtherefore also in consideration formulation correlation measure, butat present also is only the research stage, at the appointed time hasthe experience to take what kind of measure not to have theconclusion.
第2个回答  2019-10-03


7、good, “好”,是形容词用来修饰名词,如good news好消息;good points优点;a good year好年成。如:
①She is a good singer. 她是一个好歌手。
②We had a good time together watching the volleyball match. 我们一起看排球真好。well和
而well, “好、令人满意地”,是副词,用来修饰动词,如well done干得好,live well生活得好。
Kate doesn’t sing well, but she dances well. 凯特唱不好,但她舞跳得很好。

表示身体健康要用well不用good, 这时well是形容词。如:
I’m feeling very well today. 我今天感觉身体很好。



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