。跪求英语语法题目解答.学哥学姐 。,,

That beggar seems ( not to have eaten to not have eaten) anything yesterday.
The lost child desired nothing but(go/to go ) home.
Would you be (so kind as /enough kind) to do me a favour, please?
To learn to speak English well,(much practice is needed /one needs much practice).
The house is not large enough (to live in /to be lived in ) .
Nobody likes (to be spoken ill of /speaking ill of).
Go to the theatre with me, will you? ---- I should like (to/to do), but I don't have time.
To play fair is as important as ( to play well /playing well).
It's very foolish(of/for) you to say it?
It (took /spent) me two hours to find your new house.
What do you think about English? ---- It's a difficult language (to be spoken /to speak) .
We can't understand (him to postpone making /his postponing making) a decision until it is too late.
I couldn't understand (you to laugh / you laughing) at the poor child.

1. That beggar seems ( not to have eaten /to not have eaten ) anything yesterday.
not to have eaten 正确,这是动词不定式的否定形式,not 放在 to 前面。
2. The lost child desired nothing but ( go/to go ) home.
to go 正确,but 是介词,表示“除……外”,在 but 前面没有行为动词 do,but 后面就要用 to do;如果 but 前面用了行为动词 do,则 but 后面用动词原形 do。例如:I did nothing but watch TV.(我除了看电视,什么也没做。)
3. Would you be ( so kind as /enough kind ) to do me a favour, please?
so kind as to do 或说成 kind enough to do 都可以,所以这里选前面一个。有点像 so … as to do 结构。原句意思是“请你行行好帮我一个忙,好吗?”
4. To learn to speak English well, ( much practice is needed / one needs much practice).
one needs much practice 正确。此题关键看前面动词不定式的逻辑主语,to learn to speak English 只能是 one(某人)来做的,不是 much practice 来做,所以选后面的。
5. The house is not large enough ( to live in / to be lived in ) .
to live in 正确。看上去好像主语 the house 是被人们居住的,但实际上这里动词不定式用主动语态,可以理解为 for us/them to live in,不定式的逻辑主语省略了。
6. Nobody likes ( to be spoken ill of / speaking ill of ).
to be spoken ill of (被人说坏话),不定式用被动形式,表示被动含义。
7. Go to the theatre with me, will you? ---- I should like ( to / to do), but I don't have time.
to 正确,不定式的省略,大部分情况下只保留 to,而把后面的动词省略。
8. To play fair is as important as ( to play well / playing well).
to play well 正确,两个相同的不定式结构进行对比。
9. It’s very foolish ( of/for ) you to say it.
of 正确。说明某某人具有前面形容词所描述的特点,用 of。又如:
It’s kind of you to help the old man. (你帮助那位老人,你真是太好了。)
如果说明某件事具有前面形容词所描述的特点,则用 for。例如:It’s necessary for you to help the old. (对你们来说,帮助老人是必要的。)
10. It ( took /spent ) me two hours to find your new house.
took 正确。固定句型: It takes sb. some time to do sth. (某人做某事花多长时间。)如果是过去时,则 takes 改成 took。
11. What do you think about English? ---- It's a difficult language (to be spoken /to speak) .
to speak 正确。此句好像是被动含义,但用主动形式表示,可以理解为 to speak前面省略了逻辑主语 for sb.。
12. We can't understand (him to postpone making /his postponing making) a decision until it is too late.
his postponing making 正确。这是 –ing 的复合结构作宾语。如果用 him to postpone 好像是不定式作宾补,但 understand 不用 sb. to do 这种宾语加宾补的结构,而只能用一个宾语,所以选后面那个。
13. I couldn't understand ( you to laugh / you laughing ) at the poor child.
you laughing 正确,与前面的12题基本一样。这里的 –ing 复合结构本来是 your laughing,但也可以用宾格 you 代替形容词行物主代词 your。
第1个回答  2012-11-07
1 not to 不定式否定前加not
2 to go 谓语为do did does but后不加to
3so kind as enough 放在kind后
4 后一个答案 主语应该是 to learn的执行者
5后一个。 house和live in存在逻辑动宾关系
6前面对。 不定式主动被动看主语
7to。 简略回答省略到to
8 to play 保持一致
累死我了,才10分。。。 采纳后我继续余下的
第2个回答  2012-11-06
not to have eaten seem to do的否定加在to之前
to go nothing but to do
enough kind be enough to do
one needs much practice 主观表达需要主动语态,不需要被动
to live in 同3
to be spoken ill of 被别人说
to 省略了go
to play well as 。。。as前后一致
for for sb to sth
took take是指花费时间,speak是花费金钱
to speak be difficult to do
you laughing laughing 坐状语



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