

China is located in east Asia.中国坐落在东亚
It is one of the oldest countries over the world.是世界上最古老的国家之一
It has many wonders of the world,such as The Great Wall,Terracotta Warriors and Horses.它有像长城、兵马俑这样的世界奇观
The largest palace of the world the Forbidden City is located in Chinese capital Beijing.首都北京有着世界上最大的宫殿——故宫
The 29th summer Olympic Games was just held in Beijing and other Chinese cities in 2008 August. 北京在2008年成功举办了奥运会

The last hidden world 最后的隐世净土 中国
China For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and surprising creatures. 数世纪来 旅人传诵着关于这片神奇土地 以及那些神奇生物的传说 Chinese civilization is the world's oldest civilazation. 中国文明是世界最古老的文明 and today it's largest 而如今是最宏博的 with well over a billion people 那数十亿的人民 It's home to more than 50 distinct ethnic groups 现存超过五十个民族 and a wide range of traditional life styles 以及各式各样贴近自然的 often inclose partnership with nature 传统生活方式 We know that China faces immense social and environmental problems 我们都知道中国面对着着众多社会 环境问题 but there is great beauty here too 但这里也存在着令人窒息的美丽



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