
Nero和Dante的全部对白。。 最好中英文的。。 鬼泣圣人来指点。。

转来的,一直收藏,我还是喜欢鬼气3。 ····························· Nero篇。 开始: 死老头:2000 years ago... the dark knight Sparda, turn against his demo bretheren, and took up his sword for the sake of mankind. Though despite his brave efforts in our names, I fear some have forgotten the truth of that great sacrifice. If the event of that terrible were to reoccur, the fusing of both the demonic human realms, we, weak humans, would have no mean by which to oppose our submission. So I ask you to unit. And pray that even if such a dark time of chaos were to revisit us, our gracious Savior would shelter us from the storm. Let us pray. 2000年前……黑暗骑士斯巴达,背叛了他的恶魔同胞们,为了人类举起了他的剑。 尽管他那勇敢的作为在我们心中流传,我担心有些人已经忘却了那伟大的牺牲。 如果那些可怕的事情再次发生,恶魔与人类世界之间的熔炉,我们,弱小的人类,将没有办法对抗。 因此我希望你们联合起来,并且祈祷即使那样的黑暗混沌的时刻再次降临在我们头上, 我们荣耀的救世主依然会在风暴中庇护我们。 让我们祈祷吧。 Nero要离开,Kyrie:Nero... What's wrong? Nero,怎么了? Nero: I'm outta here. 我要离开了。 Kyrie: But it's not over yet... 可是还没有完呢。 Nero: All this preaching's putting me to sleep. 这些说教让我快睡着了。 Dante出现开枪嘣了老头,Credo:Your Holiness! 乱战,然后Nero与但丁对峙:Kyrie, go with your brother and get outta here! Kyrie,跟你哥哥赶紧离开这里! Credo: I will return with help! You stall him until then! 我会回来帮忙的!你在这里拖住他。 Nero: I won't hold my breath. 我才不要屏息以待呢。 继续打,Nero: You got a jacked up notion of fair play pal, and it's beginning to piss me off. 你看来有很明显的公平竞争的念头,老兄,而这样已经让我开始不爽了。 Nero: I guess this doesn't quite cut it. 我猜这一切不会这么快就完的。 What's the point of packin' a sowrd like that if you aren't even gonna use it? 把一把剑这样使用会意味着什么,即使你不打算用它? 但丁把Nero剑打飞, Nero用手挡 Dante: hm, You got a trick up your sleeve 嗯,你的袖子里有玄机。 Nero: I thought the cat had your tongue. But if it's a trick you're looking for...then try this 我想你的舌头是让猫抓了。不过如果这个是你在寻求的玄机……那就试试这个 Dante: Looks like you too, are a... 看起来你也一样,你是…… Nero: Hate to interrupt, but I wanna wrap this show up before the cavalry arrives! 我讨厌被打断,但是我希望在那些骑士赶来之前我就把这场表演结束。 继续打,Dante被Nero扔到椅子上 Dante: So you're lookin' to play, huh? Alright, I guess I got some time to kill... 所以你想玩一玩?好吧,我想我还是有很多时间消磨的。 Nero: Tough guy, huh? Well...I think I'll have to take you down a couple notches. 难缠的家伙,嗯?好吧……我想我会在几个回合内让你躺下的。 Dante: Whatever you say, kid. 随便你说什么,孩子。 Dante让Nero一顿爆锤,然后丢到墙上插胸 Dante: Getting better. I would even go as far as to say that I underestimated your...abilities 感觉好多了。我想到目前为止我太低估你的……能力了。 Nero: You aren't human, are you? 你不是人类,对吧? Dante: We're the same... you and...and them 我们都一样……你还有……还有他们 Though I suspect you carry something different from the others. 不过我想你还有一些其他人没有的能力。 Nero: What are you talking about? 你在说什么? Dante: You will come to learn the meaning soon enough. 你很快就会领悟到的。 But... business beckons. Adios kid. 不过……有生意在召唤我。再见了孩子(西班牙文) 众人收拾残局,Kyrie拖着一个大箱子 Nero: You brought this here for me? 你把这个带给我了? Kyrie: Credo requested. She yearns for your touch. Credo要求我这么做的。她(指箱子里的剑)渴望你的触摸。 Nero: Thanks. This blade's the best battle companion a swordsman could wish for. 谢了。这把剑是一个剑士所能期望的最好的战斗伴侣 Kyrie捡起地上的项链 Nero:Fortuna Castle, huh? 命运女神,嗯? That's what the witnesses said. 那就是见证人说的。 Guy just came from Hell, he's gotta hit up a couple tourist sites. 一个家伙从地狱来了,他可能打算参观一些景点。 Credo: You just so lightly in a time of crisis? You must capture him. 面对危机的时候你就这么轻浮?你必须抓住他。 Nero: Trust me, I'll get it done. 相信我,我会做到的。 Kyrie: Please be careful. You still haven't recovered. 请小心,你还没有完全痊愈。 Nero: There's no time and duty calls. 现在没有时间了,使命在召唤我。 Can't pass on an emergency. 我可不能让紧急情况一直持续下去。 Credo: I must return to headquarters and report. 我必须回到总部去报告。 一出大门: Someone help me! 来人救救我! 一平民被杀,然后大乱。 Nero: Is this him? 这是他么? Credo: I...I'm not sure. 我……我不确定 Nero: Credo, take care of Kyrie. I got this. Credo,看好Kyrie,我来处理这些。 Credo: We must evacuate the residents back to Headquarters. 我们必须要疏散这些居民前往总部去。 Report back as soon as you can, and be careful. 尽你最快的速度回去报道,还有小心一点。 Nero: I got it already. 我知道了。 Credo: Kyrie, run go with the others. Kyrie,赶紧跟其他人跑。 Kyrie去救一个小孩,Nero帮助 Nero: Go, get outta here! 快走,离开这里! Not so fast... 还没那么快 This baby sure can pack a punch. 这个宝贝肯定能打出强有力的一拳。 Nero: Let me guess, more demons? 让我猜猜,更多的恶魔? 火焰魔:Ahhh, the human world, it's been a while... 啊……人类世界,已经很长时间了…… Nero一抡剑,火熄灭了 火焰魔:How curious 真希奇啊。 Nero: Fire's bad for the complexion I burn easily, never tan. 火焰对肤色不好,很容易烫伤,而且永远不会有褐色的效果。 火焰魔:When I came to world 2,000 years ago. 自从2000年前我来到这里。 there was no such human as the likes of you. 还从来没有一个人类像你这样。 Nero: Wanna make it another 2,000? 那你还想再来个2000年么? 火焰魔:Silence! 闭嘴! Futile pest, you will suffer the wrath of Beriall 微不足道的蛆虫,让你尝尝Beriall的愤怒。 I, the conquer of the fire hell. 我,火焰地狱的征服者! 火焰魔被打败以后。 火焰魔:Your arm... You are not humans! 你的手……你不是人类! Nero: Don't ask. Damn thing drives me crzy though. 别问,这该死的东西经常让我抓狂。 火焰魔:You are just like he was... 你和他一样…… Nero: And he would be? 而他是指? 火焰魔:I must restore my power. 我必须重新积攒我的力量。 冰城碰到黑妞: 黑妞:I owe you thanks. 我欠你一个人情。 Nero: You're from the Order....? 你也是奥德的人? I've never seen you before. 我从未见过你。 黑妞:I'm new. Gloria. You're Nero, right? I've heard rumors. 我是新来的,Gloria。你是Nero对吧?我听过传言了。 Nero: Hasn't everyone? 还有人么? 黑妞:Quite a few in fact, and none too flattering. 事实上很少,而且没有一个讨人喜欢的。 Nero: So what's the deal? 有什么关系? Where're they coming from? 它们从哪来的到底? 黑妞:It's strange. 很奇怪。 No matter the number you kill, more will come. 不管你杀了多少,更多的会源源不断地出现。 Nero: Then I'll leave that chore to you. 那我把这些杂务留给你了。 I've got some personal slaying to take care of. 我还有一些私人的砍杀需要处理。 黑妞:I'll join with the others, we'll take care of them. 我会加入其他人的,我们会照顾好他们。 May the Savior be with you on your journey. 愿救世主陪伴你整个旅程。 Nero: huh, Savior. 哼,救世主。 Nero来到图书馆: Nero: Didn't figure this guy for a bookworm... 我还从来不知道这个家伙是个书虫。 骑士突然出现。 That's one way to get yourself shot. 这是你容易挨枪子的原因。 So you after this guy too, or just here to catch some demons? 那么你是跟随这家伙来的呢,还是为了单纯抓恶魔? Slient type, huh? 安静类型的,嗯? Well that's... annoying. 那可真是……让人心烦。 So much for friendly banter! 这个玩笑开过了! If you want a fight, then come on! 如果你想打架,那来吧! 打败骑士以后,发现是空的。 Nero: Empty. A demon; it possessed the Order's armor... That's not a good sign. 空的。 一个恶魔,占据了奥德的铠甲。 这可不是好兆头。 (这段感觉极其像3里但丁与贝尔沃夫的对话) 来到冰蛤蟆处,两个冰女在干那个。 Nero: This blizzard must be these demons. 这暴风雪一定是这些恶魔干的。 打,然后并蛤蟆出现。 Nero:So this is what you really look like... 这才是你真正的模样。 冰蛤蟆:You're stronger than you look. With a smart ass mouth to match. 你比实际看起来要强。而且还有一个聪明的臭嘴相配。 Nero: Cut me some slack. I'm just not big on toads. 饶了我吧。 我对大蛤蟆没兴趣。 冰蛤蟆:You think I care what you say? 你觉得我在乎你说什么? Nero: If we don't finish this quickly. It's gonna scar me for life. 如果我不快点解决这个,这很可能让我一生都忘不掉(指恶心的粘液) 冰蛤蟆:I will crush you! 我要打垮你! boss战,然后Nero把蛤蟆抡出去 冰蛤蟆:You think...you're... beaten me? Never, you piece of.... 你觉得……你……打败我了? 永远不会,你这…… Nero: That's exactly what I think. 这确实是我所想的。 冰蛤蟆:My brothers...will come! They... 我的兄弟们……会过来!他们…… 一拳被Nero打飞。 Nero: C'mon, that's just nasty. Wait...did he say brothers? 拜托,真是恶心。 等等……他是不是说到兄弟们? 一群蛤蟆出来了。 Nero: Oh that's fair! Now I've got to fight a whole herd of these things? 好啊,真公平。 现在我要跟所有这群东西对打? Nero把门口的蛤蟆打回去,按下开关,门关闭。 Nero: Sorry pal, we're closed! 抱歉老兄,我们关门了。 开头死掉的老头苏醒了: Credo: You have awakened. 你醒了。 My men are currently in pursuit Dante. 我的人已经在追击但丁了。 It is only a matter of time before his location is revealed. 找出他的位置只是时间问题。 老头:He came to us... 他自己来找我们…… It was fortunate I was able to participate 很幸运我能一起参加 In the "ascension ceremony" 这个升腾的仪式。 眼镜男:His Holiness...! You look magnificent! You send that cocky kid Nero to find Dante? 主教大人! 你看起来好极了! 你把那个自大的孩子Nero派去寻找但丁? Credo: You question my command? 你对我的命令有疑问么? 眼镜男:Yes! What shall before me... 当然了!有什么能在我之前…… should he stumble upon my research facility? 搅乱我的研究工作? Credo: Our priority is to capture Dante. 我们的主要任务是抓住但丁。 眼镜男:Why you t...t...t.. 为什么你…… 老头:Credo Credo:Yes,you holiness. 老头: Gather everyone.



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