
But even here this is not the conscientious discretionary judgment of the judge (as Chancellor Ellesmere would have had it), but rather the situated, experience-informed judgment of the
judge using all the resources the vast body of the law provides, thinking by analogy
and extension from all that he knows, to fashion a just and workable solution,
just as a good contract lawyer, who is immersed in the details of the agreement and
the day-to-day interactions of the parties, would do.

但即使在此,这并非是法官的尽责酌情判决(如大法官埃尔斯米尔所说),而是法官已使用广大法律体系提供的所有资源,对他所知的已作类推与延伸思考, 如同一位出色的合同律师,埋头于钻研合同的细节以及每日各合同方的互动,而仅在寻求一公正可行的解决方案所做的一样,并监于情况、经验知情而作出的判决 。


但即使在此,这并非是法官的尽责酌情判决(conscientious discretionary judgment)(如大法官埃尔斯米尔(Chancellor Ellesmere)所说),而是法官已使用广大法律体系(vast body of the law)提供的所有资源,对他所知的已作类推与延伸(analogy and extension)思考, 如同一位出色的合同律师,埋头于钻研合同的细节以及每日各合同方的互动(day-to-day interactions of the parties),而仅在寻求一公正可行的解决方案(just and workable solution)所做的一样,并监于情况、经验知情(situated, experience-informed)而作出的判决 。

But even here this is not the conscientious discretionary judgment of the judge (as Chancellor Ellesmere would have had it), but rather the situated, experience-informed judgment of the judge using all the resources the vast body of the law provides, thinking by analogy and extension from all that he knows, to fashion a just and workable solution, just as a good contract lawyer, who is immersed in the details of the agreement and the day-to-day interactions of the parties, would do.
第1个回答  2014-10-04




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