
1,我认为少吃一点没问题,我知道垃圾食品的害处,但是 像许多女孩一样, 我抵制不了它们的诱惑,说实话,它们确实挺好吃的。尤其是看电影的时候。众所周知,垃圾食品含有很多对身体有害的物质,所以我门要少吃。当我控制不了食量的时候,我只要对自己说,再吃就会胖,我就会停下了。
2,我想出 两个解决办法,第一个就是让同学门参与投票,选出最好吃的店铺给予奖励。第二个是让食堂的工作人员跟我门吃一样的食物,如果他们觉得不好吃他们就会改进的。
4,题目是这样的我不知道应该怎么回答。Please give some suggestions on how to hold special memories.
6,也不会答,问题是,Does love make the world go around ? Give reasons to support your point .
10.移动电话改变了我们的生活方式。我们不再喜欢面对面交流。而是改聊 QQ,我门也同时拥有了更多的隐私空间,跟家长联系也很方便,但是我们似乎对移动电话过于依赖,有些人没有了电话就什么都做不了。
11,外国人应该了解中国的文化,首先是语言习惯,像4不吉利之类。还要了解中国不同民族的不同风俗。中国人讲究 谦虚,对直接的夸赞不会说谢谢,而是说哪里哪里。。。

1, I think a little bit no problem, I know that junk food is harmful, but like many girls, I can't resist their temptation, to tell the truth, they are very delicious. Especially when watching a movie. As everyone knows, junk food contains many harmful substances, so we should eat less. When I can't control the intake when, as I said to myself, another will be fat, I will stop.
2, I think of the two solution, the first is to let the students to vote, to elect the best food shops reward. The second is to let the staff canteen with the door I eat the same food, if they do not feel good and they will be improved.
3, I think the most important person in my life is my opponent, as they and I made countless bouts, sometimes successfully sometimes fail. No matter how result, each competition after I will be stronger. I am a care process, their presence made me realize my existence, let me not indulge themselves, let me continue to progress.
4, this topic is I don't know how to answer. Please give some suggestions on how to hold special memories.
5, my impression of touches me the most is my parents love. Ever since I can remember, they have never had a quarrel, the annual Valentine's day my father will give my mother a gift, flowers or chocolates. My one family will have dinner together, very romantic. Although I felt a little light bulb, but more is happy and move. This love story appear trite and insignificant, but it is the most touched me, because it happened to me, is the true.
6, also will not answer, the problem is, Does love make the world go around? Give reasons to support your point.
7 for a girl, my happiest memory is " great aunt " first visit. For other girls, this is a very troublesome thing, they will think it is dirty, so don't like. But I think she represents my growth, that I have to give this world brings to life the ability, I think this is a sacred mission, so I was very happy that day.
8 the truth, before the exam I often feel pressure is very great, like many people, the pressure of the time my mood is unstable. I usually listen to music to relax myself, especially rock. I can follow to sing and swing, pressure was released.
9 college students it is easy to feel homesick. Homesick when I usually call my parents. Ask the weather, tell them like home food etc.. So parents will be very happy, oneself also can take comfort from.
The 10 mobile phones have changed our way of life. We no longer like face-to-face communication. Instead of just QQ, we also have more privacy, with the parents to contact is also very convenient, but we seem to be on the mobile phone is too dependent on, some people do not have the phone can do nothing.
11, foreigners should learn Chinese culture, first language habits, such as 4 unlucky. Also know the different nationality in China different customs. Chinese people pay attention to modest, direct praise never said thank you, but my pleasure...
12, my adaptability is not particularly strong, but I think I have adapted the new habits, for college students, can make a timetable, forced himself to perform, it lasts a week can adapt to new living habits.
第1个回答  2012-11-09
注:你说希望口语一点我觉得【Well...,I believe...,Also...,...isn't it?,To be honest...,actually,really,I think...】之类的挺有用的。

1.I think it's actually okay for us to have some junk foods or snacks occasionally as long as it isn't over the right amount.Well,although knowing the negative effects and harms it can bring to our health such as obesity,I still couldn't resist the temptation of eating it especially while going for a movie.To be honest,those junk foods and snacks are quite tasty,aren't they?As we all know that junk foods contain a lot of harmful materials but I believe that there must be times when we couldn't help ourselves from taking them. In this condition,I would tell myself that I will be gaining a lot of weights to stop myself from keep on taking them.

2.There are two solutions that I come up with.One is to let the students vote for the store with best food themselves and rewards should be given to the store to encourage healthy competition.The other is to let the staffs and workers of the canteen have the same food we have.If they think the food doesn't taste good,improvement might then be made.

3.I always take my competitors as the most important person in my life.We have been competing over time since I was young and there are wins and loses which help me in forming a good personality.Just like people said,what doesn't kill you makes you stronger,I have really learnt a lot from them.With their presence I realise what can I achieve and what should be improved.I can say that they are also people who make up who I am now.

4.If you ask about my opinion on holding special memories,I would definitely say taking photos and writing diaries.I used to kept diaries when I was still a kid.There were so many joyful and sorrowful moments that being jotted down on the paper.Though I no longer keep a diary myself,but still I think it's a good way to keep our special memories clear in mind.Besides,taking photos is another thing that I would do to make sure that I won't forget those big days in my life such as graduation day.

5.The love between my parents is one the things that touches me the most.Ever since I can remember,they have never had a quarrel before.Could you believe that my dad is still sending my mum gifts,flowers or chocolate by every Valentine?Along with me,we would go out together for dinner by that special night.All those small romantic and happiness between them are what attract and touch me the most.It's so real that makes me feel sweet and warm deep inside my heart.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2012-11-09
1, I think a little bit no problem, I know that junk food is harmful, but like many girls, I can't resist their temptation, to tell the truth, they are very delicious. Especially when watching a movie. As everyone knows, junk food contains many harmful substances, so we should eat less. When I can't control the intake when, as I said to myself, another will be fat, I will stop.
2, I think of the two solution, the first is to let the students to vote, to elect the best food shops reward. The second is to let the staff canteen with the door I eat the same food, if they do not feel good and they will be improved.
3, I think the most important person in my life is my opponent, as they and I made countless bouts, sometimes successfully sometimes fail. No matter how result, each competition after I will be stronger. I am a care process, their presence made me realize my existence, let me not indulge themselves, let me continue to progress.
4, this topic is I don't know how to answer. Please give some suggestions on how to hold special memories.
5, my impression of touches me the most is my parents love. Ever since I can remember, they have never had a quarrel, the annual Valentine's day my father will give my mother a gift, flowers or chocolates. My one family will have dinner together, very romantic. Although I felt a little light bulb, but more is happy and move. This love story appear trite and insignificant, but it is the most touched me, because it happened to me, is the true.
6, also will not answer, the problem is, Does love make the world go around? Give reasons to support your point.
7 for a girl, my happiest memory is " great aunt " first visit. For other girls, this is a very troublesome thing, they will think it is dirty, so don't like. But I think she represents my growth, that I have to give this world brings to life the ability, I think this is a sacred mission, so I was very happy that day.



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