
Hello Dear,

Thank you for your reply to my mail,may god bless you alone for this.

Well to give you more details i will first like to let you know that i have planned coming over to your country to settle down with this money for investment and as well further my education. The money right now as i write to you is in the bank where my father deposited it before his death. I am more or less an orphan so i would want you to stand as my guardian to safely get the money transferred and then make arrangement for me to come over. The reason i need your help is because of the agreement my father had with the bank which is that the money should be transferred to a foreign partner account, so i am not able to withdraw any money from the account until it has been transferred to you.

Please i will want you to understand my situation better, for now to say it in the short form it has been a very bitter tale, from the death of my father to the maltreatment i have been receiving from my father's relatives who have been envious of my parents because they were not well-to-do as my father was, for that reason they are hostile towards me.

I am entrusting my only hope left into your care, the rest of my parents properties have been taken by my wicked uncles who are even seeking to kill me. Before i give you details of my father's account and the bank where the money is deposited,I will want to know more about yourself if you do not mind.
Kindly tell me what you do for a living,your status quo,your residential full address and telephone number,This is just to know you better and easy communication.

All I will want you to do is stand in as the partner and friend of my late father and instruct the bank to transfer the money into your account. I have the whole informations of the deposit account of my late father with me, I will give it to you once i hear from you in your next mail.

Please try and understand my situation here,life has not been very easy for me here since the death of my father because I am an orphan and you will understand how difficult it is for me. You can call me on the residence telephone number +22506435222 as soon as you receive this mail.

I will be waiting to hear from you.
Thanks for your understanding

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好给你更多的细节i 将首先喜欢 让你知道i已经计划来要为投资和更也更进一步我的教育用这钱安定下来的你的国家。 当i给你写信的现在的钱在我的父亲在他的死之前存它的银行。 我是或多或少一位孤儿, 因此i 将想要你作为我的监护人站安全转让钱然后安排我过来。 原因i需要你的帮助是因为我的父亲与银行有的协议, 这是钱应该被转让到一个外国合伙人账户, 因此i不能从账户取出任何钱,直到它已经被转让给你。

i 想要你将更好理解形势, 现在以短的形式说它它是一个非常难以接受的故事, 从我的父亲的死到虐待i一直从嫉妒我的父母的我的父亲的亲戚收到, 因为他们不富有,象我的父亲是那样,由于那原因他们对我敌对。

我正委托留下进你的关心的我的唯一的希望, 我的其余父母特性已经被甚至正想办法杀死我的我的邪恶的叔叔带。 在i 给你我的父亲的账户和钱被存的银行的细节之前, 如果你不介意,我将想要对自己知道得更多。
请告诉我你为谋生做什么,你的社会现状, 你的居住的详细地址和电话号码,这是只更了解你和容易的通讯。

全部我 想要你做将立场在作为那些合伙人和朋友的我后父亲的和教那些银行把那些钱转移到你账户的那里。 我带着我的前父亲的存款帐户的整个信息, 一旦i在你的下一个邮件里收到你的来信,我将把它给你。

请想办法在这里理解我的情况, 生活这里不对我来说非常容易, 从我的父亲的死起因为我是一位孤儿,你将理解它给我多么难。 你一收到这个邮件,你就在住宅第+22506435222电话号码上能打电话给我。

第1个回答  2006-03-16


好给你更多的细节i 将首先喜欢 让你知道i已经计划来要为投资和更也更进一步我的教育用这钱安定下来的你的国家。 当i给你写信的现在的钱在我的父亲在他的死之前存它的银行。 我是或多或少一位孤儿, 因此i 将想要你作为我的监护人站安全转让钱然后安排我过来。 原因i需要你的帮助是因为我的父亲与银行有的协议, 这是钱应该被转让到一个外国合伙人账户, 因此i不能从账户取出任何钱,直到它已经被转让给你。

i 想要你将更好理解形势, 现在以短的形式说它它是一个非常难以接受的故事, 从我的父亲的死到虐待i一直从嫉妒我的父母的我的父亲的亲戚收到, 因为他们不富有,象我的父亲是那样,由于那原因他们对我敌对。

我正委托留下进你的关心的我的唯一的希望, 我的其余父母特性已经被甚至正想办法杀死我的我的邪恶的叔叔带。 在i 给你我的父亲的账户和钱被存的银行的细节之前, 如果你不介意,我将想要对自己知道得更多。
请告诉我你为谋生做什么,你的社会现状, 你的居住的详细地址和电话号码,这是只更了解你和容易的通讯。

全部我 想要你做将立场在作为那些合伙人和朋友的我后父亲的和教那些银行把那些钱转移到你账户的那里。 我带着我的前父亲的存款帐户的整个信息, 一旦i在你的下一个邮件里收到你的来信,我将把它给你。

请想办法在这里理解我的情况, 生活这里不对我来说非常容易, 从我的父亲的死起因为我是一位孤儿,你将理解它给我多么难。 你一收到这个邮件,你就在住宅第+22506435222电话号码上能打电话给我。




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