

一般现在时、现在进行时、一般将来时、一般过去时、过去进行时、现在完成时 到初二就学这么些时态,具体是第几单元的话··由于不知你们的教材是否跟我们一样,所以无法告知。
第1个回答  2012-07-13
Unit 1 Past and present (transport at different times/ Times have changed)
A: Present perfect tense (现在完成时)
We use the simple past tense to talk about what happened at a definite time in the past.
We use the present perfect tense to talk about things that happened in the past and have connection with the present.
B: Time expressions with the present perfect tense
"already, ever, for, just, never, since, yet, recently"
Unit 2 Travelling (popular tourist attractions/ Welcome to Hong Kong)
A: "have/has been" and "have/has gone"
We use "have/has been" to express the idea that someone went to some place and has already come back.
We use "have/has gone" to express the idea that someone went to some place and is still there.
B: Verbs with "for", "since", or "ago"
Some verbs, such as "come, go, leave", can't be used with continuous time adverbials, such as "for two hours" or "since last month". To talk about an action that happened at a point in the past, we will have to use "ago" and the simple past tense.
Unit 3 Online travel (different uses of computers)
A: Passive voice (被动语态)
We use the active voice when it is important to know who performs the action.
We can use the passive voice when:
it is obvious who performs the action.
we do not know or do not want to know who performs the action.
we think the action is more important than the person who performs the action.
B: Passive voice with "by"
We can also introduce the person who performs an action with the passive voice using "by". We put "by" and the name(s) of the person(s) at the end of a passive sentence.
Unit 4 A charity show (Fund-raising activities for charities/ Hosting a charity show)
A: Passive voice in simple future tense
B: Passive voice with modal verbs ("can, may, must, should")
C: Passive voice in present perfect tense
We use the PV in the PPT when the action took place in the past and continues to the present or still has connection with the present.
Unit 5 International charities
A: "used to"
We use the phrase "used to" to talk about a past habit or state. We use an infinitive after "used to".
B: "be used to"
We often use "be used to" to talk about something we have done regularly for a long time. We put it before a noun (phrase) or an "-ing" form of a verb.
C: Using "so ... that" and "such ... that"
We use "so ... that" or "such ... that" to show the result of something. We use an adjective or an adverb between "so" and "that", and we use a noun or a noun phrase between "such" and "that".
Unit 6 A charity walk
A: "It is"+ adjective + "that" clause
B: "It is"+ adjective + "to"-infinitive
C: "It is"+ adjective + "for..." +"to"-infinitive
第2个回答  2012-07-12




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