
1 汽油快加满了 / 汽油已经加满

2 汽油还差一点点加满

3 汽油还剩一点了,我不知道这辆车还能跑多远

4 加满油后,这辆车可以行使400公里


国外那边 加满油 说 gas it up 这样吗?fill it up 多不? 有知道的不?谢谢
加半箱油 ,怎么说。麻烦了

1 gas is almost full/ gas is already full
2 add a little bit more of gas to full
3 just a little bit of gas left, I am not sure the car can travel how far
4 After added a full tank of gas, this car can travel 400 kilometres
In America, gas is the speaking term, while in Singapore, petrol is the term used.
so in America, they said, gas in up, it means fill it up or top it up.
加半箱油==add half tank of gas
第1个回答  2012-07-30
① 汽油快加满了 / 汽油已经加满
The gas is almost full / already full.
The tank is almost full / already full.

② 汽油还差一点点加满
Just need a bit more gas (until the tank is full).

③ 汽油还剩一点了,我不知道这辆车还能跑多远
There's only a bit of gas left, I don't know how far this car can go.

④ 加满油后,这辆车可以行使400公里
After filling up the gas to full, this car can go for 400 kilometers.
After filling up the tank to full, this car can travel 400 kilometers.

国外这边不说 gas it up 的,一般只会说 fill up the gas (to full) 或 fill up the tank (to full).
我去给车加满油:I'm going to fill up the gas 或 I'm going to fill up the tank 通常是这样说的。

加半箱油:Fill up half the tank / Fill up half the gas .追问

加半箱油:Fill up half the tank.
我要是说Fill up a half tank, 可以吗? 我查资料貌似都行,不过这么说是不是 很少用啊。

Fill up half the tank 后面加上of gas, 可以的话,是 gas,需不需要加 a, the,之类的词呀?也给我说下吧。


恩,可以的。A half 这个说法我在消息里解释了,你去看看。

Fill up half the tank of gas 直接这么说就可以了,不用加 a 或 the、

第2个回答  2012-07-30
1、The petrol is filled up with、Gasoline has been filled with
2、Gasoline is filled with a little shy
3、Gasoline with a little, and I don't know this car can still run far
4、Filled with oil, the car can exercise 400 kilometers
加满油fill her up ;fill up the tank
加半箱油Add 1/2 box of oil
fill it up 填满它
第3个回答  2012-07-30




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