







The custom taboo Maldivian custom taboo Maldivians of countries all over the world pay attention to manners, heavy courtesy. They hold the other side's hands and say hello each other when meet each other. Maldivians are simple and honest, hospitable. The friend gets home, the host will take out the best food of family and entertain guests. Maldivians regard Islam as state religion, have a lot of religious customs, such as prohibiting against alcoholic drinks, prohibiting to eat the pork, praying five second-classly every day. Everything of Englishmen of Britain's folkways and customs follows the beaten track. Their car travel direction and other countries in Europe are just opposite. It was conceited because regarded English as mother tongue, besides English, Englishmen can not speak other languages. Germany's custom Germen, there is a kind of qualified reputation which pays attention to efficiency. The German negotiator's personal relation is very serious. Get used to wearing a suit under all occasions (don't put hands in the pocket, this is considered to be unreasonable behavior). The present should be directed against individual, even in the name of company. There are fewer and mechanicaller a little Italians of Italy's folkways and customs than Germen, than Frenchmen's more enthusiasm. But not usually carried away by emotion while handling the commercial affair, it is relatively slow to make decision, it is not for discussing with aides and staff, but unwilling to take a stand hurriedly. Spaniard, custom of Spain, emphasize personal prestige, prefer until some loss too unwilling to avow, lose By mistake. If you think they have no intention of incuring loss and helping them in the agreement, then gain their friendship and trust for ever. Singaporean custom taboo Singapore is a country of plural race and many kinds of religious belief, so, should pay attention to respecting different race and the different religious believes personage's folkways and customs. For instance, visiting the mosque must raise one's hat and take off the shoes to enter, lady can't wear the shorts or exposed skirt, can't enter and pray the South Korean custom taboo social etiquette South Koreans of the hall and advocate Confucianism either, respecting elders, everybody should rise to their feet, ask them longevity when the elder enters the room. Want to pluck the sunglasses while talking with the elder. Will get up in the morning and all pay one's respects to parents after a meal; Parents go out to come back, children should all greet others to eat. While going by bus, should make way for the elderly. Connect. Should hold meals and serve for the old man or elder first while having a meal, after the old man moves the chopsticks, other people could eat. While going by bus, should make way for the elderly.



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