

第1个回答  2012-07-19
有一次在课堂上,英语老师让一位学生翻译句子,结果学生说出来的句子句法不通,错误百出。气得老师大声喊道:Where is your grammar? 学生听后不知所然,就不假思索回答说:She has went shopping. 看了这则故事,我们感到又好气,又好笑。在这个学生脑子里只有grandma,根本没有grammar! 不仅如此,他把has gone说成了has went, 再次犯错。看来,语法不学不行!
1. John eat an apple. (一般现在时,eat用原形)
2. John eats an apple. (一般现在时,eat加s)
3. John has eaten an apple. (现在完成时)
4. John ate an apple. (一般过去式)
5. John had eaten an apple. (过去完成时)
(现在时间) (过去时间)
【一般现在时】 【一般过去时】
【现在进行时】 【过去进行时】
【现在完成时】 【过去完成时】
【一般将来时】 【过去将来时】
1. We write a composition every week.
2. I am writing a composition now.
3. Tom has written his composition and he wants to play.
4. We will write a composition next Monday.
*** *** *** *** ***
5. Mary wrote a composition last night.
6. He was writing a composition when I got to his house.
7. I had written my composition before the bell rang.
8. She said she would write a composition next week.

1. We write a composition every week.
【构成】动词原形。主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词要加s,(be用am, is, are)。
【常用的时间短语】now, at present, nowadays, today, always, forever, usually, often, sometimes, at times, from time to time, seldom, never 等。
He writes a composition every week.
I am a student. He is very upset. It is fine today. They are on the playground now.
Light travels faster than sound.
I don’t know when she will come. When she comes, please tell her the good news.
2. I am writing a composition now. Don’t trouble me.
【构成】be (am, is, are ) + 现在分词(动词-ing)。
【常用的时间短语】now, right now, at present, today, at the moment等。
My friends are coming to our party tonight. (将来)
Mary is always coming late. (批评)
此外,有些动词表示静态意义(如“拥有,观点”等have, belong to, like, think),不用进行时。
I have two brothers. 我有两个兄弟。
I’m having breakfast. 我正在吃早餐。
3. Tom has written his composition and he wants to play now.
【现在完成时】1. 表示动作发生在过去,但对现在有影响。2. 表示动作发生在过去,但一直延续到现在。
【构成】have (has) + 过去分词(动词-ed)。
【常用的时间短语】just, already, yet, before, for a week, for a long time, since 2008, in the past (last) three years等。
Tom has eaten something. He is not hungry now. 汤姆吃了一些东西,他现在不饿了。
His uncle has worked in this factory since he left the army. 他叔叔自从离开部队以来一直在这家工厂上班。
We’ve known each other for about two years. 我们认识大约有两年了。
How long have you waited here? 你在这儿等了多久?
I saw the film already. (= I have seen the film already.) 我看过这部电影。
4. We will write a composition next Monday.
【构成】will +原形动词 (主语是I, we时,可用shall)
【常用的时间短语】in the future, tomorrow, next week (month, year)
I will graduate from middle school next month.
She’ll be twenty years old next year.
---When will you be able to give us an answer?
1. be going to +不定式。如:
We’re going to put up a hospital here. 我们打算在这儿建一所医院。
There is going to be a lot of trouble. 这件事会有许多麻烦的。
2. be to +不定式。如:
I’m to see off Mr. Brown this afternoon. 今天下午我要去与布朗先生告别。
When are they to hand in their plan? 他们什么时候交计划?
3. be about to +不定式。如:
He is about to leave for Shanghai. 他就要到上海去。

5. Mary wrote a composition last night.
【常用的时间短语】last year, in 1990, yesterday, that day。凡是已经过去了的时间都可以,包括this morning等。
I went to bed at about ten last night.
She often came to help us when she was free.

6. He was writing a composition when I got to his house.
【构成】be (was, were) + 现在分词(动词-ing)
【常用的时间短语】this time yesterday, at ten yesterday morning, at that time, at that moment, then等。
---What were you doing at this time yesterday?
--- I was writing a letter to Mr. Brown.
The UFO was traveling from east to west when he saw it.
I was reading a book when someone knocked at the door.
I found a wallet on the ground when I was walking in the street.
7. I had written my composition before the bell rang.
【构成】had +过去分词(动词-ed)
【常用的时间短语】by the time…, by the end of等。例如:
The train had left by the time we got to the station.
He had learned 3000 English by the end of last term.
The children ran away because they had broken the window.
Tom was disappointed that most of the guests had left when he arrived at the party.
He told me that he had broken his glasses.
He came in and sat down, and then took out his pen.
或者有after, before时,如:
After we said goodbye to them, we left the village. 我们向他们道别后,离开了村庄。
I heard a sudden cry just before I turned off the light. 就在我熄灯前,我听到突如其来的一声叫喊。

8. She said she would write a composition next week.
【构成】would +原形动词
【常用的时间短语】the next day, the following week, in the future等。
He said that he would go to college next year.
I thought they would not come to our party if we didn’t invite them.
Would you come and have tea with us?
I would like to watch T V now.
Whenever I caught cold, she would send for a doctor.
1. was (were) going to +原形动词:
He told us that he was going to spend his summer holidays in the countryside. 他告诉我们他打算到乡下去度暑假。
2. was (were) to +原形动词:
I was told that my girl friend was to see me the next day. 我得知我的女朋友第二天要来看我。
3. was (were) about to +原形动词:
As the girl was about to turn to the next customer, the old lady handed her the little package. 当姑娘就要转向下一个顾客时,老太太把小包裹递给了她。

1. 关于时态的时间范畴问题
(1) 属于现在时间范畴的时态:一般现在时,现在进行时,现在完成时,一般将来时。
(2) 属于过去时间范畴的时态:一般过去时,过去进行时,过去完成时,过去将来时。
2. 关于时态的呼应
如果主句谓语动词是过去时,那么从句的时态也要用过去时间的时态,这种现象叫 “时态呼应”。例如:
He said he understood it. 他说他懂了。
She wasn’t sure whether you were watching TV. 她不敢肯定你是否在看电视。
He told me he had graduated from middle school two years before. 他告诉我他两年前就中学毕业了。
The boy said he would do anything for his own country. 小孩说他为自己的祖国愿做任何事。
Tom saw a girl come to him when he was sitting there. 汤姆正坐在那儿时,看见一个女孩向他走来。
I think I was very lucky to get that job. 我想我很幸运得到这件工作。
We wonder who built that old bridge. 我们不知道是谁建造的那座古桥。
I remember that she was crying when I got home. 我记得当我回家时她正在哭。
You will notice that this word has several meanings. 你会注意到那个单词有几种意义。
I know that she will regret for her mistake. 我知道她将为她的错误而后悔。

I got a letter from my sister yesterday. She lives in a foreign country. In her letter, she said that she would come to China next year. If she comes, she will get a surprise. We are living in a beautiful new house now. The building work on it had begun before my sister left. The house was completed almost a year ago. It has been the only modern house in this area ever since.
I still remember that so many of us were living in a very small house when my sister left home. But now the new house has many large rooms and there is a lovely garden. Though it looks strange to some people, it is really very comfortable.

(刘老师 解答)
第2个回答  2012-07-17
一般疑问句:①was或were放于句首;②用助动词do的过去式did 提问,同时还原行为动词。
否定形式:was/were + not + doing。
基本结构:have/has + done。
否定形式:have/has + not +d one。
基本结构:had + done。
否定形式:had + not + done。
基本结构:①am/is/are/going to + do;②will/shall + do。
否定形式:①was/were + not; ②在行为动词前加didn't,同时还原行为动词。
基本结构:①was/were/going to + do;②would/should + do。
否定形式:①was/were/not + going to + do;②would/should + not + do。
一般疑问句:①was或were放于句首;②would/should 提到句首。本回答被网友采纳



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