
(1)Zhang didn't play very well in the early matches. The young woman from Beijing was lucky. Her rivals (对手) in these doubles and singles matches were not a big problem.

(2)Wang Nan was Zhang's partner. People said she was playing calmly and skillfully. Zhang, on the other hand, was suffering from nerves and not playing well.

(3)She had been waiting for the Olympic Games all her life. But when she got to Athens she found she wanted to win so badly that she was stressed out.

(4)Zhang didn't really improve in the next games. Her coach Li Sun was very disappointed (失望的). He said that if she went on playing like this she was sure to lose at some point. It was just a matter of when.

(5)Li's words were a blow (打击) to Zhang. She started to think how she could play better. She decided that she was thinking too hard about winning. So she said to herself: "Forget the result. Just think about playing."

(6)It didn't get any easier. Zhang found herself the only Chinese player in the finals. She was her country's last hope for gold. Zhang knew it was really important for her to beat (打败) her stress.

(7)In Coffee Prince, Yoon plays Go Eun Chan. Go's life is both bitter and sweet. She has to take any job she can get to support her family, but she never loses her passion for life.

( 1 )张没有发挥得很好,在早期的比赛。来自北京的年轻女子是幸运的。她的对手(对手) ,在这些双打和单打比赛中不是一个很大的问题。

( 2 )王楠是张的伙伴。人们说,她扮演德冷静和熟练。张,但另一方面,患有神经,而不是赢比赛。

( 3 )她一直在等待奥运会。但是当她到雅典,她发现她想赢得那么差劲,她强调道。

( 4 )张并没有真正改善,在未来的游戏。她的教练李孙很失望(失望的) 。他说,如果她继续这样打下去,她肯定要失去一些点。这只是件事的一些部分。

( 5 ) 李的话是一记重拳打击以张。她开始觉得她是如何能够发挥更好。她决定,她的思想太辛苦赢得的。所以她说她说: "忘了这个结果。试想想打" 。

( 6 ) ,它没有得到任何方便。张发现她唯一的中国选手进入决赛。她是她的国家的最后希望争取金牌。张知是真正重要的,她击败(打败) 她的压力。

( 7 )在咖啡王子,尹光雄扮演转到垠陈。去的生命是既苦又甜。她采取任何职位,她可以得到支持她的家人,但她从来没有失去她对生活的热情.
第1个回答  2008-02-02




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