用英语翻译下面的中文句子 1.节食 2.去溜冰 3.去看电影 4.梅梅坐在我前面,我坐在她后

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1. On a diet 2. Go skating 3. Go to see the film 4. Meimei sitting in front of me, I sit on her face down. 5. Her mother was waiting outside the school gate. 6. Mike sits between Jim and Sam. 7. Across the street from the hospital there is a bank. 8. The platform are some color images. 9. Look, the children ran into the room. 10. I was on the outside of the toy store. 11. The blackboard in the front of the classroom. 12. A big tree in front of the classroom. 13. Is there a bridge over the river.
第1个回答  2012-07-15
1. be on diet 2. go skating 3. go to see a film/ go to the cinema 4. Meimei sits in front of me. i sit behind her. 5. She's waiting for her mother at the school gate.
6. Mike sits betwwen Jim and Sam.
7. There is a bank across from the hospital.
8. There are some pictures on the teacher's desk.
9. Look! the children are running into the room.
10.I'm standing outside the toy store.
11. The blackboard is in the front of the classroom.
12. There is a big tree in front of the classroom.
13. There is a bridge over the river.



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