
1.I can't afford__A__computer at present.
A.that expensive a B.a such cheap C.that an expensive D.so a cheap
2.I'v visited a lot of places and stayed in lots of different hotels,but none of them__D__this one.
A.makes B.beats c.compares D.matches
3.Tom___the girl that he__B__four years ago.
A.married;engaged B.has been married to;was engaged to
4.I find these problems are easy__B__.
A.to be worked out B.to work out
5.The economy of some Asian countries has suffered a great__B__because of the big waves caused by the earthquake.
A.damage B.loss
6.A computer does only what thingking people__B__
A.have it done B.have it do
7.There__B__many unique art works in the nuseum,people often go there and it's famous.
A.are B.being
8.Classroom testing,if well done,most certainly__D__an encouragement to study and real learning.
A.acts for B.puts on C.takes the place of D.acts as
9.__A__from his brother for a long time,the boy could hardly recognize him again.
A.Separated D.Being separated
10.The book seems to be__A__a dictionary__A__a grammar one.
A.more;than B.rather;than
11.The teacher recommended__B__an big English-English dictionary,which he thought would be of great help to our studies.
A.to buy B.buying
12.Little Franz stood there__B__lift his head.
A.daring not to B.not daring to C.dared not D.without daring to
13.Don't worry.Wet wood won't__B__
A.burn B.be burnt C.be burning D.burnt
14.__A__only by one's appearance,I'm sure,will have you get just half of him or less.
A.Juding B.Judged
15.It was the news__A__he succeeded in swimming across the river__A__made us very happy.
A.that;that B.which;that
16.the number of the scientists and experts__B__at the conference was over 200
A.who presented B.present

2意思是没有一家旅馆可以和这家相比的,有比较的意思的就是CD,compare是用于两者之间的比较的·如,compar A with B.所以就选D.
第1个回答  2008-02-02
1.can't afford是买不起的意思,先排除b、c,然后a和c的辨析是a正确。that +形容词+a或an+名词
2.a.成为 b.打败 c.比较,对比 d.比得上
3.A.married;engaged时态一样了,很明显他结婚的时间和订婚的时间是不一样的 B.has been married to;was engaged to 正确。four years ago是过去时,那么前面的结婚时态就要与之搭配用现在完成时。
第2个回答  2008-02-17
13 A




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