
______ these are!
A. What delicious cakes B. How delicious cakes
C. How delicious a cake D. What a delicious cake
We all agreed that it ____ serious mistake not to take the doctor’s advice.
A. will be B. has been C. is D. would be
18. Only by shouting at the top of his voice, ____make himself____.
A. was he able to; hear B. he was able to; hear
C. he was able to ; heard D. was he able to; heard
It is the best film _______ I have seen.
A. that B. who C. whom D. which
28. The hunter made a mark on the tree _____ he found the treasure.
A. why B. where C. how D. which
29. We ______ all citizens should obey the traffic rules.
A. think it important that B. think that important
C. think it important D. think important that
30. Eight acres were reserved for the building ___ would not be constructed for many years.
A. where B. which C. when D. it
31. We didn’t want to go on with the project, because we ____ interest in it.
A. have lost B. had lost C. would lose D. lose

A 后面已有主语these,所以delicious cakes为名词性短语,是are的表语
D 时态一致
D only 引导状语前置时,主句倒装,他提高声音为了让别人听清楚自己,所以他是“被听到”
A 最高级修饰先行词时,用that,不用which
B 为地点状语,从句成分完整,只需状语即可
A which 指代building,为从句的主语
B it 为think的形式宾语,从句为真正的宾语,即it的同位语从句,只能用that
B 从句“失去兴趣”发生在主句动作之前

第1个回答  2011-06-27
B. How delicious cakes
D. would be
D. was he able to; heard
D. which
B. where
A. think it important that
A. where
B. had lost
第2个回答  2011-06-27
B 由题目中的are知前面应是复数,排除C,D,又what接名词,how接形容词,故答案选B
18.A only引起的从句要到倒装,即he was 要写成was he,而他听是主动的,故用hear而不用heard
A that 引导定语从句
28.B where引导地点状语从句
31.B didn't表过去时,后买你的原因要用过去完成时。
第3个回答  2011-06-27



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