my first ride horse 英语作文 200个单词


I am a horse riding beginner.
It is difficult to describe the sheer pleasure of FINALLY climbing up on my first horse. It is a long way up there! It has taken a long time to get here! I have to admit there were a few tears of joy!

I have always loved horses.

My favourite game as a child was to collect two tin cans and tie them together for my stirrups and then grab a blanket or towel when mum wasn't looking. I would drag them out to our front fence and with the blanket carefully laid out with the stirrups balanced over the top, as my saddle, I would climb up onto my 'horse'. To the amusement of passers by, I would happily ride my horse for hours.

As years went by, I dreamt of one day owning and riding my own horse.Unfortunately, I made all of the possible excuses, (and more), and never found the time to start. I lost confidence and was embarrassed to join a riding school where even ten year olds knew more than me! I needed to know the basics first. Time got in the way.

The kids suddenly grew up .They were here one minute and next thing I knew, they were off doing their own thing and no longer needed me around. I realised then my dream was about to come true! Here I was with time and money on my hands!
My time had come! It was time for action! I would learn to ride a horse.

First I started to read books. So much to learn : Safety, terminology, the correct way to saddle up, mount, etc.
Look for a guide that gives you as much information as possible, but won't take months to read!
Also find a teacher who has the horse and rider's interests at heart. Unfortunately there are riders who consider their own comfort, and forget about their partner.. the horse.

Then I went for a trail ride.

This is a good first experience for some adult horse riding beginners, as there are lots of other people on the ride with you. You can blend in.
There is no pressure to sit a certain way.

There will probably be all kinds of riders on the ride that you can watch and learn from. You will quickly see what NOT to do!

This can be a good way to boost your confidence.

It also is more relaxing for a first horseback ride as there is no pressure to perform.

When you book in for your ride let the operators know that you are a horse riding beginner, they will give you a nice quiet, experienced mount. This will boost your confidence and keep you safe. You will likely find the horses know where to go and will just follow the leader. This gives you time to enjoy the view and work on relaxing those leg muscles. Most operators will also give you hints and tips as you ride along.

I chose a 2 hour ride for my first ride.

I liked this experience as it gave me time to adjust to the swing of the horse.I am a slow learner and a bit tense.The gentle rocking of the horse takes a bit of time to get used to.

Our ride gave us the option of having a trot or canter ( for experienced horse riders or very confident horse riding beginners)
I went for the trot. We trotted up hill which was good for learning to balance and for about 5 minutes, which gave me plenty of time to get the up and down thing happening in time with the horses movements. My ride operator was great and yelled out 'one', 'two', 'one', 'two' . So I knew when to rise and when to sit.

By the time the ride was finished I was relaxed, happy, confident and ready for the next step
THEN I got off the horse. What a joke! I had to stand for a minute or two to readjust those poor leg muscles that had never been used like that before! I also had a few bruises. A nice hot soak in a bath full of RADOX cured the aches.

The thrill of the ride stayed with me for weeks. I walked around with the biggest grin on my face for a week!
I had completed my first horseback ride, I was proud of myself!



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