
be proud of与be pride of
three days与three-day
be famous for与be famous as
die dead death三者分别用于什么地方
具体点 最好用一些例句 过几天中考用··

be proud of 为...自豪
You should be proud of your achievements.你应该为自己的成就感到自豪。
be pride of 这个词组是错误的,英文中没有这个词组。

receive 收到;接到
I received a letter from him yesterday. 我昨天从他那收到一封信。
accept 接受
I would be glad if you could accept my apology. 如果你能接受我的道歉,我会很感激。

three days 三天 (数量词)
The travellers camped in the mountain for three days. 旅行者在山里宿营了三天。
three-day 三天
We are going to have a three-day camp in the old campus. 我们要在旧校舍举行一次三天制的露营活动。

be famous for 因...而著名
This restaurant is famous for it's fresh brewed coffee. 这个餐馆因他们新鲜的煮好的咖啡而闻名。
be famous as 作为...而著名
She is more famous as a chef than an artist. 她厨师的名声比画家的名声要大。

die 死 (动词)
If I must die, I would rather die for the country. 如果一定要死的话,我宁愿是为国家而死。
dead 死掉(形容词)
He has been dead for three years. 他死了三年了。
death 死亡(名词
Till death do us apart, never give up. 致死不分离,不要放弃。
第1个回答  2011-06-16
1. Proud形容词,固定搭配be proud of:以/为……而骄傲 ex: I’m proud of you.我为你骄傲。
Pride名词/动词 固定搭配是take pride in: 以……为自豪。没有be pride of 的用法。Pride作动词用法是 sb pride on sth.

2. receive可作及物或不及物动词,表示收到,接到某物/人。
ex: I received a book yesterday. 我昨天收到一本书。而不能说accept a book. 可以说,I accept your apology.我接受你的道歉。

3. three days表示三天,three-day表示为期三天。ex: a three-day holiday 一个为期三天的假期

4. be famous for 因……而著名。be famous as 作为……而知名。
ex: He is famous for his good writing.他因文章写的好而出名。
He is famous as a writer.他是个知名作家。

5. die是动词,dead是形容词/副词/名词,death是名词。
ex: He died.他死了。
He is dead.他死了
His death is caused by an accident.他的死是意外事故造成的。
第2个回答  2011-06-16
be famous for:因为(原因)……著名;be famous as:作为……而著名;



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