求2pac的never call you bitch again 的中文歌词


Whassup 富? 我发誓永远不会再叫你这婊子养
你还没干与我同在, hehehe
(所有我只想说的是这个,如果我 fuckin 道歉)
[韵文 1 个: 2 Pac ]
妈——给了我的 homey 90 天,家庭暴力
我得到的 thinkin bout 这个 shit ,我们已通过
但你始终保持在下方的 nigga ,所以这也是为什么我爱你
Reminiscin needin 纸巾、 fightin 过幼稚的问题
骂我不能活,但 withouchu witchu 每一天我想念你
当我们将鼠标指针你握住我的手枪,我 gangsta 这婊子养的 Ich7r
你总是花样年华,这也是为什么我在 sleepin witchu
我看到昨天我叫你的名字,发挥游戏的 yo 」的心
[合唱: Tirese ( 2 Pac )]
(我发誓我永远不会再叫你这婊子养的 heyyy )
[韵文 2 : 2 的 Pac ]
我起床很早, mornin 在破解的曙光
Nigga 仍感到厌烦,因此,我 yawnin ,现在,我要去了
Tryin ,以获取我的钱在强烈的,因此,早期的提升
出 befo ’他们其他的朋友们,这就是以利每一个时间。
此外,我们已与 beefin 的东海岸,与 casualites
获得了停止在交通,有搜查证,因此他们 gaffled 我
我的仇敌想,他们获得了我说过,他们还没 knowin
还没无爱的播放器,您可以在其中 haters 懦夫 goin
Cristal corks 都弹、浪漫的想法被丢弃
[千 Pac 讲过合唱]
所有这一切都是死的,虽然我是变了,我是你的 tellin 。
我知道时间是,要给人一种 nigga 的时间
要成长, y 千 knahmsayin 吗? 这种方法当时
[ Tirese ]
你是我的 nigga ,我最好的朋友
[韵文 3 : 2 的 Pac ]
见证这恶人做的,这一切我已经通过 shit
我知道你一直疼痛, feelin 的东西是不一样的
" Waitin 至喷",而我在 sittin 在该县监狱。
保持您的头向上,导致事情正在 gettin 更好
我的 cellmates 流泪关哟'最后一个爱的信
告诉‘ em ,您会找到一个朋友,所以保持您的眼睛去皮
抱歉如果我 cuss 但它所受的痛苦,我感到
谁能相信,如果我将她 snitch 丰胸
二者之间的区别包的 bitches 和黑人妇女
我们的照片的 kissin 在客厅,在裸体
感谢 bein 那里,远远不止一个朋友
第1个回答  2011-06-21
Whassup Boo? Swear I'll never call you bitch again
You ain't fuck with me, hehehe
I swear I'll never call you bitch again
(All I just wanna say is um, if I fuckin apologized)
I swear I'll never call you bitch again
(I ain't mean to call you a bitch)
I'll never call you bitch again

[Verse One: 2Pac]
Damn - gave my homey 90 days for domestic violence
I try to picture myself, in this position but remain silent
I get to thinkin bout this shit, we been through
We close like kin but you remain my friend to
This life of sin, done got the both of us in trouble
But you always stay down for a nigga, so that's why I love you
Reminiscin needin tissues, fightin over childish issues
Swear I can't live witchu but withouchu every day I miss you
When we roll you hold my pistol, my gangsta bitch-ich
You always in the mood for love, that's why I'm sleepin witchu
Though not the man of your dreams, my plan and schemes
To be rich like a king, and live my life, trouble free
I see yesterday I called you names, and played games on yo' mind
I promise that I'll change in time
It's a complicated world, so girl just be a friend
I swear I'll never call you bitch again (and that's my word)

[Chorus: Tyrese + (2Pac)]
We came.. too far..
to throw it all away
(I swear I'll never call you bitch again, believe me)
We came.. way too far pretty baby
to throw it all away, throw it all away
(I swear I'll never call you bitch again, heyyy)

[Verse Two: 2Pac]
I wake up early in the mornin, at the crack of dawn
Nigga still tired so I'm yawnin, and now I'm gone
Tryin to get my money on strong, so an early riser
Out befo' them other guys, that's the way to profit every time
Can't get too close, my enemies, they see ghosts, they envy me
Plus we been beefin with the East coast, with casualites
Got stopped in traffic, had a warrant, so they gaffled me
But while I'm gone, watch my business, and my back for me
My enemies think they got me crossed, they ain't knowin
Ain't no love for player haters where you cowards goin
You paid bail, got me out of jail, home again
I promise not to leave you on your own again
Cristal corks are popped, romantic, thoughts are dropped
It's so frantic but don't panic cause we crossed the top
I found a partner and a rider, a woman and friend
I swear I'll never call you bitch again, believe me


['Pac speaks over Chorus]
I know, I know
All that is dead though, I'm changed, I'm tellin you..
I know what time it is, gotta give a nigga time
to grow up y'knahmsayin? That was way back then

You're my nigga, my best friend
Never gonna call you, a bitch again
Yea yea yea

[Verse Three: 2Pac]
Witness the evil men do, all this shit I been through
Never meant to hurt you, can we make this work boo?
I know you been feelin pain, things are not the same
"Waitin to Exhale" while I'm sittin in the county jail
Keep yo' head up, cause things are gettin better
My cellmates shed tears off yo' last love letter
Told 'em you would find a friend so keep yo' eyes peeled
Sorry if I cuss but it's the suffering that I feel
Who can I trust and if I bust will she snitch
Even though you ain't the type to trip
Sorry if I called you bitch
You showed me the definition of feminine
The difference between a pack of bitches and black women
I see the boss for the third time, hope to see you soon
Pictures of us kissin in the living room, in the nude
Thanks for bein there, much more than a friend
I swear I'll never call you bitch again, believe me追问





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