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三、 创造学习气氛,激发学习兴趣
四、 创建教学情境,激发学习兴趣

Create a learning atmosphere, to stimulate interest in learning
The purpose of learning English communication, and English communication requires a certain language environment, language, atmosphere. Not the moment regarding the creation of atmosphere, but throughout the day to day life and learning so that students feel all day living, learning environment in English. Students every day of English class, the class feel a direct impact on their enthusiasm for study. Bland, dull boring, rigid teaching methods to suppress and stifle student interest in learning. On the contrary, a pleasant classroom atmosphere, easy to learn the state, interesting language environment, positive self-awareness, to encourage language students to maximize the amount of information. In teaching, I focus on creating happy and harmonious classroom atmosphere. In schools, classes within the post or hanging banners in English, do English poster, indoor various items marked with the English name of the school classroom with the hanging signs in Chinese and English. After the lesson, teachers and students, greeting students and students are all in English. The classroom, teachers organize the teaching in English, assignments, recognition of students as well as evaluation of students in the English atmosphere. So, the students see, hear, and are referred to in English, both output and also input and encourage students to use the English language learning needs, develop motivation to learn.
In the long teaching career, I deeply feel happy, relaxed and harmonious atmosphere of the classroom, and sometimes more effective method is more important. Good mood will help to stimulate the learning interest of students, mobilize the enthusiasm of the students, resulting in a strong motivation to learn English.
Fourth, create a teaching situation, to stimulate interest in learning
Chan Kefu said: "teaching method, once the students hit the emotion and will, hit the psychological needs of students, this teaching will become highly effective." Psychologists believe that students interested in the things most likely to remember. Scene of teaching is to make full use of in-kind, wall charts, pictures, and environment to create teaching situations, teachers have the purpose of introduction and clever with a certain emotional color, a vivid image of the live scene specific, such as through the presentation objects, pictures, slide show , video, broadcast audio, story-telling and other forms of new materials for image description, environment rendering, imagine inspiration, the students into the realm of art and going to cause a certain attitude to experience, to inspire students in a relatively short period of time emotions. When students exposure and lively teaching situation, the emotions will help to stimulate learning, can greatly facilitate the work of the brain, promote a variety of intellectual factors play. First of all, classroom teachers organize the teaching of English to make use of the passage of time can achieve the effect of poetry. In addition, the majority of teaching aids, movements, facial expressions, gestures and other methods prompted the creation of habits. According to the teaching content, ask the students to stage performances, respectively, play different roles to create a language environment in which students have an immersive experience. This teaching, the whole mood of the students of classes especially high, often have a multiplier effect. In addition, the lively and humorous language of infinite charm it can stimulate students interest in learning; and according to the preaching of the Publicity Division, students find uninteresting. Therefore, we teachers should give full play to the charm of vivid language of instruction, to mobilize the enthusiasm of the students.
第1个回答  2011-07-02
3.Create learning atmosphere, stimulate interest in learning
The purpose of learning English is to communication, and English communication need certain language environment, language atmosphere. The creation of the atmosphere, but not glide through daily life and study, and make students feel life, study in English all day surroundings. The students every day to take an English course, class feel directly affect their learning the enthusiasm. Is black and white, inflexible boring, the destiny of the teaching method can depressive, and choking the learning interest of the students. Conversely, pleasant classroom atmosphere, relaxed learning state, interesting language environment, positive self consciousness, can motivate a student to get maximum language information. In the teaching, is very important to me to create happy and harmonious classroom atmosphere. On the campus, in class or suspension English signs, Posting do English wall newspaper, mark in English indoor all sorts of items, the name of the school each classroom English bilingual signs capes. After class, teachers and students, students and students are his greeting with English. The class, the teacher use.
4.Create teaching situation, stimulate interest in learning
He said: "praise can touch the mood of the students teaching once and will field, touch the psychological needs of students and the teaching will change the highly effective." Psychologists say, students interested in things of the most easy to remember. Teaching is to make full use of real situation, wall charts, pictures, environment and other teaching situation, the teachers have created the introduction of purpose and a certain emotional color opportunely, a live image for the vivid scenes, such as through specific physical demonstration, picture, showing the slide, video, played the tape, to tell the story of new materials and other forms of image depiction, environment rendering, imagine the enlightenment, the student to the realm of art, to attract the attitude of certain experience in a short period, stimulate the students' emotion. When students in and vivid teaching situation, to arouse study emotion, can greatly promote the brain work to all kinds of intelligence factor of the play. First of all, the class as far as possible on the use of English teaching organization, as time passes can achieve what the head.
第2个回答  2011-07-03
3 create an atmosphere for learning and stimulate students' interest for English We learn English for communication, and a good language environment and atmosphere are necessary for effective communications . However, an excellent atmosphere can't be created overnight. We have to make students live and study in a language environment of English by creating the atmosphere in their daily life and study. Students learn English everyday in class, therefore their experience in class can directly affect their enthusiasm for English. Bland, dull and never-changed ways of teaching can depress and kill students' interst. 累了,不翻啦。本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2011-07-03
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