我急需一篇fire and safety 的英语作文,老师要我写范文,价钱可以商量


Ever since the ancient times, fire has been playing an important role in our daily time. Its advent helped our ancestors improve their living quality, and thus changed our living style. Apart from this, fire has helped us keep warm and brought light to us. Nevertheless, fire is dangerous. If we do not use it properly, it will end up bring us disasters. In history, a lot of famous buildings were torn down because of the fire. Some were due to accidents, other were due to deliberate actions. It can be seen the seriousness of fire in our daily life. Therefore, it is essential for us to keep in mind that fire should be properly incorporated in our life.追问






第1个回答  2011-06-19
Fire is a natural thing. On the one hand, it's the friend of us human beings. We use it corretly, it is safe. It helps us do many things. It brings us brightness and warmth. We can say we can't live without fire. Or there is no life if there is no fire on the earth. On the other hand, if we use it incorrectly, it may cause fire and bring us disaster. Fire can make us happy or sad. It can bring us safety or danger. So here are some suggestions: Don't play fire at anytime or anywhere! Every kind of playing fire is dangerous. If fire happens, call 119 or the fire department. Be sure to do this after you get out of the building. When we are in a fire, first of all, we should keep silent. Don't be so nervous that we will do something terrible. We may take a deep breathe and then find the way to save ourselves carefully. We can't jump out of the windows unless there is not another way to get out because it's too dangerous. We need a piece of wet paper to cover our nose and mouth to help keep off the thick smoke. If your clothing catches fire, remember to drop to the ground. In a word, More safely we use fire, more dangerous we will avoid.追问


第2个回答  2013-05-13
那篇写Ever since the ancient times、、、的人还真可怜,这么长一篇打电脑上不容易啊〜〜〜结果什么也没,风雨后有彩虹,而那人是连个云都没见到!可怜可怜,在此感叹一下〜〜〜〜^_^〜〜〜〜
第3个回答  2014-04-28
第4个回答  2012-03-18



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