高中英语语法中关于定语从句的详细讲解 和相应的练习题及讲解


Susan is not the brilliant writer _____ she used to be.
A. which B. that C. who D. whom
They stayed with me for three weeks, _____ they drank all the wine I had.
A. which B. which time C. during which D. during which time
It is the one of the best films_____.
A. which have been made in China B. that has ever been made in China
C. that have ever been made in China D. which has been made in China
The old man finally got a chance to visit the school, _____ he used to study, _____ he had been dreaming of for years.
A. that… which B. where… that C. in which…what D. where…which
_____ all that _____ to be done been done?
A. Have...have B. Have…has C. Has…has D. Has…have
--Why am I so slow at doing the cloze test? --I guess you didn't realize the use ______ the contexts.
A. you should have made of B. you must have made from
C. from which you could have made D. out of which you need make
Don’t leave the knife _____. Which is wrong?
A. in a place where children can get it B. where children can get it
C. in a place which is within children’s reach D. in which children can get it
I’m looking for a present for my mother’s birthday, _____ she can use and at a reasonable price.
A. that B. one C. what D. which
The curious child didn’t believe the fact _____.
A. that most of them thought it to be true B. most of them thought to be true
C. what most of them thought was true D. as most of them thought true
Nothing but a few pictures _____ given to Tom, _____ he was fond of.
A. was…which B. were…which C. was…that D. were…that
The conclusion _____ the police came to _____ he was innocent didn’t satisfy everybody.
A. that…which B. /…that C. which…which D. that…/
Among all the contestants, only Mary _____ had supposed could win the first prize.
A. who B. / C. I D. that
To save money for my education, my mother often takes on more work _____ good for her.
A. than what is B. than that is C. than it is D. than is
I feel disappointed as the new house isn’t quite _____ it should be.
A. as B. that C. what D. which
The scientists and technicians overcame a lot of difficulty _____ the personal computer.
A. they had developing B. having developing
C. they had developed D. that had to develop

2D他们和我在一起三个星期了,在那段时间里,他们喝光了我所有的酒。先行词后面的关系词在从句中是作为状语的,所以首先排除A,which作为状语,就只能在其前面加一个介词,这是因为介词+which=关系副词,故而排除B,而在非限制性定语从句中表示时间状语的,就只能用during which time。
3B这是目前为止中国拍得最好的一部片子了。定语从句中如果先行词被最高级修饰,那么关系代词一定是that,因此排除A,D。中心词虽然是the best films,但前面还有一个one,同时it后面的is 也很好地暗示了从句中谓语动词只能用单数,所以选B
4D,这个老人最终有机会访问他曾经就读过的学校,他梦想回到母校已多年了。Study是一个不及物动词,因此后面没有必要加宾语,因此排除A,后半句是一个非限制性定语从句,其中dream of的of 缺少一个宾语,所以得选一个关系代词,故而排除B,这里是定语从句,而不是主语从句所以排除C,which指代的是got a chance to visit the school这件事,因而选which

6A 为啥我做填空如此之慢?我猜你没有意识到去运用(make the use of )上下文。从 didn’t可以确定,前面说到的那个人没有利用,should have done 本应该而没有,正好与原题题意相符,因此选A
7D,不要把刀放在孩子容易够得着的地方,介词+which结构中的介词往往是根据定语从句中谓语动词的固定搭配来决定的。而 get in的意思是1.进入,参加;收(获),收回;插入(放) 2.收获;收(税等);抵达 3.进入, 收获,达到。
Get in 虽然有达到的意思,但是get in 中的in后面的which应该是指代地点,而前面没有表示地点的先行词place,只有一个knife,也就是说D是缺少了一个先行词。如果D换成in a place in which children can get it则可以
8Bpresent和后半句之间有逗号隔开,但后半句不是非限制性定语从句。如果是的话,那么后半句应该是____she can use and is at a reasonable price. 如果没有了is 的话,那么and 后面的at a reasonable price就不能和空格中的关系词构成一个完整句了。所以关系词one是一个同位语。后面一半是同位语从句,而另一半是介词短语作为同位语one的后置定语。
9B 这道题的陷阱就是考生对于见到the fact that时 的定势思维。如果这是一个the fact that引导的同位语从句,那么that后面应该是对fact的具体阐释,如the fact that地球围绕太阳转。但选项中most of them thought it to be true不是对fact的具体阐释,而是人们对fact 的看法,这就是这道题的玄机所在。因此这是一个宾语从句,the fact也是作为thought的宾语,因此关系代词that可以省略,还原之后就是The curious child didn’t believe the fact (that) most of them thought to be true
10A当主语后面跟有with, together with, like, except, but, no less than, as well as 等词引起的短语时,谓语动词与前面的主语一致。因此第一个空用单数,后半句是一个非限制性定语从句,fond of 后面少了一个宾语,而非限制性定语从句中which正好可以充当宾语,因此选A


你要注意:“警察得出的结论”中的“的”说明The conclusion _____ the police came to 是一个定语从句,The conclusion_____ he was innocent.才是一个同位语从句。因此第一个空选that或者which都无所谓,第二个空必然为that。

Among all the contestants, only Mary could win the first prize.是主句。
Suppose的所有用法中,只有be supposed to be 与题目的意思相吻合,所以had supposed是一个过去分词作为后置定语,而不是从句。

13这题感觉是选A,这个句子考查了more than 的比较结构,其中than是一个连词,所以其语法属性相当于and。所以分析这个句子的语法结构的时候,more than是不造成语法干扰的,你可以把more than拿掉,原句就变为To save money for my education, my mother often takes on work __what is ___ good for her.

14C 如果把空格后面的句子it should be 遮住,你会发现前面 isn’t quite后面缺少表语,而后面be动词后面也是缺少了一个表语,所以后半句是一个表语从句,表语从句中that是连词,不充当句子成分,what除了充当引导词还在从句中长当成分,所以选what
Difficulty很明显是一个定语从句,如果在had 和developing之间加一个逗号,你会发现,原来developing the personal computer是非谓语形式做伴随状语的。
Developing the personal computer,the scientists and technicians overcame a lot of difficulty they had 。这句话和题干的意思是不是一模一样??只不过这句话的伴随状语Developing the personal computer放到了前面,而题干是将之放到了后面!!只是语序变了一下就形成了难度。这是一道技巧性很强的题目,值得细细品味。
_____ he had been dreaming of for years.是一个非限制性定语从句,而dream of的of 缺少宾语,所以既能引导非限制性定语从句,同时又能作为非限制性定语从句的宾语,就只能选which,而不能选that了,这就是排除B的原因啦。
第1个回答  2011-07-07

第2个回答  2011-07-07
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