
I believe that most organizations are miserable places to work. They are Corporate Cubeworlds. And no one is to blame. Companies have inherited their corporate culture from the Industrial Age and it just don't work anymore. People are unhappy and Corporate Cubeworlds are much less profitable than they could be.Before I go further, let me identify what I mean by the Corporate Cubeworld.
Key Attributes of the Corporate Cubeworld:
1. Work is a worker's primary responsibility in life and comes above family and personal concerns (even health)
2. If a woman takes time off to raise children, she becomes less valued and is deemed to be less committed to the company
3. Long hours and lots of face time are required
4. Your title on your business card is your identity
5. Hard, diligent work is not enough - you must do lots of self-promotion and gain the support of powerful players to advance in the Cubeworld
6. Your chances of success are greatly increased if you look, act, and think like the leaders of the company
7. Hierarchy is to be honored and sustained - your job is to make your boss look good
8. The higher you get in the hierarchy, the more you delegate and supervise and the less work that you actually do
9. The point of all this is to keep climbing up the corporate ladder - always reach for more - compete ferociously in this win-lose game
10. Wear your cubeface - don't show human emotion, passion, or weakness
The Conference Board released a report on February 28, 2005 stating that "Americans are increasingly unhappy with their jobs. The decline in job satisfaction is widespread among workers of all ages and across all income brackets." The report showed that:
* 25% of American workers are just "showing up to collect a paycheck"* 40% of workers feel disconnected from their employers* Two out of every three workers do not identify with or feel motivated to drive their employers' business goals and objectives.
They also found it that money cannot buy satisfaction. Job satisfaction has declined across all income levels and only 14% of workers earning $50,000 or more a "very satisfied" with their jobs. The report says that "Rapid technological changes, rising productivity demands and changing employee expectations have all contributed to the decline in job satisfaction."
My interpretation of this: the most corporate cultures are inherently rigid and inflexible and companies wants more and more from workers who are less and less willing to surrender their lives to their jobs.

我相信大多数组织是工作的简陋的地方。 他们是共同的Cubeworlds。 并且没有人应受责备。 公司已经从工业时代继承他们的企业文化,它就不再工作。 人们,不开心和社团Cubeworlds比他们不那么赚钱能我再进一步的be.Before,让我鉴定我以那些社团Cubeworld意思是什么。
5.艰难,勤勉的工作不够 - 你必须做许多自我提升并且获得要在Cubeworld里发展的强有力的运动员的支持
7.阶层将被尊敬并且支持 - 你的工作是使你的老板看起来好
9.全部这的点是一直爬上共同的梯子 - 总是伸手去拿更多 - 竞争凶猛在这内获胜使失去比赛
10.穿你的cubeface - 不要把情感,激情或者弱点显示给人
会议董事会在2月28日发布一份报告,2005 说明"美国人越来越对他们的工作不满意。 那些下降在满意工作在工人的各个年龄的中广泛和在全部收入括起来。 "报告显示那:
*美国工人25%只不过"出现收集工资支票"* 40% 工人感到从他们雇主拆开*的二在每3 名工人鉴定之外与或者感到被促进驾驶目标和目标生意雇主。
他们也找到钱不能买满意。 工作满意已经在全部收入水平和只有14%的工人(挣50,000 美元或者更许多用他们的工作"非常满足")下降。 报告说"迅速技术上变化,漂出来生产力要求并且兑换雇员预期全部给投稿在工作满意的下降。 "
我的这的解释: 最多企业文化天生严格和不能弯曲,公司从工人那里越来越多地想要, 越来越不那么愿意把他们的生活交出到他们的工作。
第1个回答  2007-06-17
我相信大多数的组织是工作的悲惨地方。 他们是企业的 Cubeworlds 。 而且没有人应受谴责。 公司已经遗传来自工业的年龄的他们的企业文化,而且它仅仅着\'不再的 t 工作。 人们是不快乐而企业的 Cubeworlds 多较不有利润的超过他们可能是。在我之前更进一步, 让我识别我藉着企业 Cubeworld 意指的。
企业 Cubeworld 的主要属性:
5.艰难,勤勉的工作不够 - 你必须做许多自我提升并且获得要在Cubeworld里发展的强有力的运动员的支持
7.阶层将被尊敬并且支持 - 你的工作是使你的老板看起来好
9.全部这的点是一直爬上共同的梯子 - 总是伸手去拿更多 - 竞争凶猛在这内获胜使失去比赛
10.穿你的cubeface - 不要把情感,激情或者弱点显示给人
会议董事会在2月28日发布一份报告,2005 说明"美国人越来越对他们的工作不满意。 那些下降在满意工作在工人的各个年龄的中广泛和在全部收入括起来。 "报告显示那:
*美国工人25%只不过"出现收集工资支票"* 40% 工人感到从他们雇主拆开*的二在每3 名工人鉴定之外与或者感到被促进驾驶目标和目标生意雇主。
他们也找到钱不能买满意。 工作满意已经在全部收入水平和只有14%的工人(挣50,000 美元或者更许多用他们的工作"非常满足")下降。 报告说"迅速技术上变化,漂出来生产力要求并且兑换雇员预期全部给投稿在工作满意的下降。 "
我的这的解释: 最多企业文化天生严格和不能弯曲,公司从工人那里越来越多地想要, 越来越不那么愿意把他们的生活交出到他们的工作。





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