

第1个回答  2011-03-27
上古周时,尹喜尹文公为函谷关关令,夜观天象。见东方有紫气西迈,知有圣人将至。不久,老聃驾青牛至函谷关,迎入官舍。居百日,尹喜以疾辞官,复迎老子归楼观本宅,斋戒问道,并请老子著书,以惠后世。于是老子乃著道德五千言以授之。 之后,尹喜乃弃绝人事,精修至道,三年后,悉臻其妙。
Dear leaders, teachers, Dear students: Good morning!
I am from the village of Beijing Branch eighty high school tube containing language. My topic today is: "my" low-carbon life "."
"Low-carbon life", we can see, the essence of being human and nature should indicate the basic principles of harmony. The up and down five thousand years the Chinese have long had a long list of saints hermit and lofty ideals, this reverence for nature, to adapt to nature's great idea to make a fundamental interpretation.
Ancient weeks, Yin Xi Yin Wengong off orders for the Hangu Pass, the night view of the heavens. See Purple east of West Main, known to have saints coming. Soon, the old blue cattle drive to the Hangu Pass Dan, welcome into the official residences. Home hundred days, Yinxi to resign disease, complex view of the welcome I go home floor, fasting asked, and requested I write books, to benefit future generations. So I is a book to teach him moral thousand words. After Yinxi is rejected personnel, intensive Shido, three years later, noted attained its wonderful.
This shows that our ancestors were already on the principle of harmonious coexistence with nature had a strong interpretation. "Tao Seng, Germany, the animals, and material in the form of, potential into the"; "and refuses to have, and not rely as long without slaughter, is that Xuande." They are all recognized that nature is to create all the mysterious female doors, human triumph is just a stupid and contemptible delusions. Only adapt to nature, natural way out of the way of life is our most appropriate way of life of mankind.
"Low carbon" life, not with the technology development phase the opposite direction. Their compatibility and reasonable, is to verify by Taoism. As old as mentioned by Mr. Dan, "the world Zhirou, ride the world matter to Kennedy," which is actually a cleverly advocated response, dealt with gently, keeping a low profile to get along, country approach. That the surface reflects the so-called "Great Music sound, big profit if the red" Inaction; The real meaning is "repair of the world, the German is a general" strategy approach. We are "low-carbon life" attitude should not it?
The face of today's increasingly frequent earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and other disasters, many people are complaining, "God no eyes." And my view is just the opposite - it is not natural disasters but man-made disasters. This is a departure from the road, after the departure from natural law, deserve. Thousands of years ago people have been pointed out to us a "low-carbon life" Ming Road: "impatient win cold, static wins heat, quiet for the world is." I think I was in the invisible, so that less extravagant For, less confusion; more than several elegant, multi several reveries. This is because I need a strong enough background to steer the existing ideological and technological level. I see, technology is not revolutionary, as it is when the change in the twentieth century that promised to change our way of life.
Finally, talk about my "low-carbon life" put into practice the action. Water, saving the usual household chores Needless to say, the mind divided into two, "by heaven and earth are, six Royal Air Debate; rhyme heaven and earth together, the Senate never mind the" spirit level is essential. Many people will think I'm right, "ran the title", but I am humble opinion, "low-carbon life" by no means confined to the scope of life in the water, electricity and energy saving. I uphold the tenets of life, has always been "the poor are spared to reach and the world economy." I often go traveling, to find "a wilderness round heart that is distant," the Selfless, and "Zhu Zhang wins light Mountain shoes horses, Yisuoyanyu Renping Sheng," the driving into the distance detachment. Very Yi Road, it is time to track people's thoughts onto the. All things are born, not born, as long as the return to nature "no", we will have all things. And above all these thoughts, all ideas, all the philosophizing, which no thousands of yards rushing, lofty railings on the River in waterfalls, which are the source of "low-carbon life" Wang Chunjie simple springs. Yes, people can waste water, water is not dirty people; torrent come and go, the quality of clean.



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