
我看there 这个单词很活的,可我用不好

there to be/being结构可作主语、状语或动词、介词的宾语,但要注意作主语和状语时there to be前用for引导,作宾语时则无for。例如:

In that case it is impossible for there to be an escape from the building. 在那种情况下根本没有从楼里逃出的可能性。

It was too late for there to be any buses. 太晚了,不会有公共汽车了。

I never dreamed of there being a chance for me to be sent there. 我压根就没有梦想会有被派往那里的机会。

There being no buses, they had to go on foot. 由于没有公共汽车,他们只得步行。(独立主格结构表原因)


The problem being settled, we ended our meeting.
We devided the work, he to clean the windows and i to sweep the floor.
The clock having struck 12, i went to bed.
I saw deep pools, the water blue like the sky.
The condition(being)favourable, he may succeed.
Summer over, students retruned to school
Then, last night, I followed him here and climbed in, sword in hand.

3.with +名词(代词)+宾补。这种句型又叫做with 的复合结构。

We''ll certainly win great vicory, with the Party to lead us.
He always sleeps with the windows closed.
Many people spoke aloud in front of our classroom, with nobody stopping them.

4)其他介词 +名词(代词)+宾补。
The cards seemed like so many little flags dotted about the classroom

There''s danger of a fire being started.

The prisoner fled without anybody seeing him。

there be句型是英语中常见的特殊句型,用以表示某物某事存在或不存在。句中的there只起引导作用,并无实际意义,句子的真正主语是谓语动词be后面的名词。there be句型有多种表现形式,可以用来表达多种复杂的含义。
1.there be与情态动词连用
there be句型中的谓语动词be可与各种情态动词连用,表示"一定有"、"可能有"、"应该有"等含义。例如:
he felt that there must be something wrong.他感到一定是出了错儿。
there might be drinks if you wait a bit.如果你等一会儿,可能会有酒。
there can’t have been much traffic so late at night.这么晚了,街上的车辆不会太多。
there oughtn’t to be too great discrepancy in our views.我们的看法不应该有太大的分歧。
2.there be与含有情态意义的动词或短语连用
英语中有些动词或短语具有一定的情态含义,我们称之为半助动词。there be句型中的谓语动词be可与这些半助动词连用,表达更为复杂的意念。能用于there be句型中的这类词语主要有:happen to(碰巧),appear /seem to(似乎),be going to(将会),used to(曾经),have to(必须),be likely to(很可能),bebound to(必定)等。例如:
there happened to be an old friend of mine in the club.在那个俱乐部碰巧有我的一个老朋友。
there appear to be several reasons for changing our plans.看来改变我们的计划有几个理由。
there used to be a cinema here before the war.战前这里曾有一个电影院。
is there going to be a dancing party tonight?今晚有舞会吗?
there are bound to be obstacles for us to get over.一定会有障碍需要我们去克服。
3.there be的非限定形式及用法
there be结构也可以以不定式(there to be)、动名词(there being)和现在分词(there being)的形式出现在句子中,作主语、宾语或状语。这种非限定形式中的there在形式上起着逻辑主语的作用,因此,不定式there to be前有时需加介词for,从形式上满足引出不定式逻辑主语的需要,而分词there being则具有独立主格结构的意味。例如:
i don’t want there to be any more trouble.我不希望再有麻烦了。(不定式作宾语)
i expect there to be no argument about this.我希望对此没有什么争论。(不定式作宾语)
it was unusual for there to be so few people in the street.大街上人这么少,这不大正常。(不定式作主语)
what’s the chance of there being an election this year?今年举行大选的可能性有多大?(动名词作介词宾语)
there being a bus stop so near the house is a great advantage.离屋子这么近有一个汽车站,这太便利了。(动名词作主语)
there being nothing else to do,we went home.没有别的事可做,我们就回家了。(分词作状语)
4.由there be构成的固定句型
由there be构成的一些固定句型在英语中很活跃,需很好地掌握。常见的有:
there is no point in +v-ing:没道理,没用,没必要
there is no use(in)+v-ing:毫无用处
there is no sense in +v-ing:毫无道理
there is no need to +v:没有必要
there is no +v-ing:不可能,无法。



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