Should class attendace be required ??

Should class attendace be required ??


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Many universities require attendance, because not every student joins classes. Although requiring attendance occupies some class minutes, it makes clear who comes and who doesn't.

In my point of view, this requirement is necessary. First of all, requiring attendance can be an urging way for those who have less self-controls. Punishing whoever coming late or leaving early gives him a warning of not making such mistakes again.

And secondly, it's not easy for students to get college entries, their parents have to work hard to pay for the tuition. As students, study is the most important thing. I hope all of us join classes actively, study hard and improve daily.
第1个回答  2007-04-18
Many universities implement mention by name the system, because attends class the person comes not to be uneven. The implementationmentions by name the system although the turning point attends classwastes the time, but may clear know who has come, who hasn't come.
I thought has the necessity. Because some university students'autonomy ability is very bad, the implementation mentions by name thesystem to be allowed to play the supervision role. Punishes personwhich these is late or leaves early, lets them not have again to makesuch mistake.
The student is admitted to a university not easily, the parents makemoney pay tuition very are also laborious. Student's inherentresponsibilities are study. The study is most important, hope deverybody persisted attends class, studies well daily upwardly.
第2个回答  2007-04-19
A lot of universities call the roll to make, because the person having a class came not neat. Call the roll to make and order and have a class and kill time , can know who has come clear , someone did not come .
I think it necessary. Very bad because of some university students' self-containment ability, can play a role in supervising to make while calling the roll. Punish those persons coming late or leaving early, let them not recommit such a mistake.
It is difficult that students are admitted to a university, parents make money and pay the tuition fee too very hard. Students' bounden duty is to study. It is the most important to study , hope that everybody insists on going to class , learns to make progress every day hard .



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