
I. To begin with an example to introduce the thesis----we should pay attention to how to make the translation suitable for the target language.
II. The reason why we emphasize the importance of the translation suitable for the target language.
1. Different languages have different concepts.
1) two different expressive forms of uncertainty about our native language.
2) the cultural difference between the people in the world.
2. Each language has its own grammar system.
III. The orientations in translating
1. literal translating
2. free translating
3. a dynamic equivalent translation----the proper way to make the translation smooth and natural
IV. The typical examples of the great difference between English and Chinese expressive forms.
1. the subjects with attributes
2. the sentence with attribute clause
3. subjective clauses with nominal subject “it”
4. the postposed adverbial clause indicating condition (if clause)
5. the sentence with the adverbial
About cultural Background Knowledge and English Teaching we should concentrate on :Problems aroused by different cultural backgrounds.for example:
A. Some difficulties in communication caused by different cultural backgrounds
B. Brief illustration of relationship between language and culture
C. Problems in English teaching and teaching material caused by neglect of cultural background knowledge
II. Importance of cultural background knowledge in language teaching
A. Necessity of cultural background knowledge in aural comprehension
B. Necessity of cultural background knowledge in oral English
C. Necessity of cultural background knowledge in reading
1. From the respect of allusions as illustration
a) Old allusions from history, religion and literature
b) New allusions
III. How to carry out the teaching of cultural background knowledge
A. Selecting proper teaching material
B. Encouraging wide reading
C. Paying attention to proper wording in the classroom
D. Using native English video tapes and films
E. Encouraging communication with native speakers of English
F. Holding lectures about culture

I. 开始以例子介绍论文我们应该注意怎样使翻译适当为目标语。
II. 这就是为什么我们强调翻译的重要性适当为目标语的原因。
1. 不同的语言有不同的概念。
1) 关于我们的母语有不确定性的二个不同传神形式。
2. 各种语言有它自己的语法系统。
III. 取向在翻译
1. 印刷错误翻译
2. 自由翻译
3. 一个动态等效翻译这适当的方式使翻译光滑和自然
IV. 巨大区别的典型的例子在英国和中国传神形式之间。
1. 主题以属性
2. 句子以属性条目
3. 主观条目以有名无实的主题"它"
4. postposed 状语条目表明情况(如果条目)
5. 句子与状语




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