







印第安纳州北滨密歇根湖和密歇根州,东临俄亥俄州,南隔俄亥俄河与肯塔基州相望,西连伊利诺州。瓦伯西河由东北向西南贯穿本州,注入俄亥俄河。本州为平原地形,最高点仅海拔1257呎(约380米,位于韦恩郡富兰克林镇,Franklin Township of Wayne County)。






85.8% 是白人


3.5% 是拉美裔人

1% 是亚裔美国人


1.2 % 混合的种族



美国人 (12%)





宗教上,印第安纳州大多是新教徒,虽然也有五分之一的罗马天主教徒。此州天主教所办的圣母大学(University of Notre Dame)相当著名,个人口信仰比例为

67% 新教徒(Protestant)

20% 罗马天主教徒Roman Catholic

1% 其他基督教派的教徒 Other Christian

1% 其他宗教教徒Other Religions

8% 无信仰者 Non-Religious

印第安纳州前三大新教徒是:浸礼会(Baptist:17%)、卫理公会(Methodist:10%)、路德会 (Lutheran:5%)。



印第安纳波利斯 (Indianapolis),首府,位于州中央


韦恩堡(Fort Wayne),位于东北

南弯(South Bend),靠近密歇根边境,圣母大学所在地






州立博尔大学(Ball State University)

印第安纳州立大学(Indiana State University)

印第安纳大学(Indiana University System)

伯明顿主校区(Indiana University at Bloomington)

东部分校(Indiana University East)

科克摩分校(Indiana University at Kokomo)

西北分校(Indiana University Northwest)

南弯分校(Indiana University at South Bend)

东南分校(Indiana University Southeast)

印第安纳大学—普度大学哥伦布分校(Indiana University Purdue University at Columbus)

印第安纳大学—普度大学韦恩堡分校(Indiana University Purdue University at Fort Wayne, IPFW)

印第安纳大学—普度大学印第安纳波利斯分校(Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis, IUPUI)

普度大学(Purdue University System)

西拉法叶主校区(Purdue University, West Lafayette)

卡罗美分校(Purdue University Calumet)

中北部分校(Purdue University North Central)

印第安纳大学—普度大学哥伦布分校(Indiana University Purdue University at Columbus)

印第安纳大学—普度大学韦恩堡分校(Indiana University Purdue University at Fort Wayne, IPFW)

印第安纳大学—普度大学印第安纳波利斯分校(Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis, IUPUI)

普度大学技术学院(Purdue University School of Technology)

安德生分校(Purdue University School of Technology at Anderson)

哥伦布分校(Purdue University School of Technology at Columbus)

印第安纳波利斯分校(Purdue University School of Technology at Indianapolis)

科克摩分校(Purdue University School of Technology at Kokomo)

曼希分校(Purdue University School of Technology at Muncie)

新亚伯尼分校(Purdue University School of Technology at New Albany)

里奇蒙分校(Purdue University School of Technology at Richmond)

南弯—艾克哈分校(Purdue University School of Technology at South Bend/Elkhart)

佛塞雷斯分校Purdue University School of Technology at Versailles

南印第安纳大学(University of Southern Indiana)


安德生大学(Anderson University)

贝瑟学院(Bethel College, Indiana)

巴特勒大学(Butler University)

圣约瑟夫卡罗美学院(Calumet College of St. Joseph)

基督学院(Christian Theological Seminary)

韦恩堡协同神学院(Concordia Theological Seminary Fort Wayne)

迪保尔大学(DePauw University)

厄尔汉学院(Earlham College)

富兰克林学院(Franklin College)

高盛学院(Goshen College)

葛雷斯学院(Grace College)

汉诺佛学院(Hanover College)

圣十字学院(Holy Cross College)

杭廷顿学院(Huntington College)

印第安纳理工学院(Indiana Institute of Technology)

印第安纳魏斯理大学(Indiana Wesleyan University)

曼彻斯特学院(Manchester College)

马里安学院(Marian College)

马丁大学(Martin University)

奥克兰市大学(Oakland City University)

罗斯—豪曼理工学院(Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology)

圣约瑟夫学院(Saint Joseph's College, Indiana)

森林圣玛丽学院(Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College)

圣玛丽学院(Saint Mary's College, Indiana)

泰勒大学(Taylor University)

三州大学(Tri-State University)

伊凡斯维尔大学(University of Evansville)

印第安纳波利斯大学University of Indianapolis

圣母大学(University of Notre Dame)

圣法兰西斯大学(University of Saint Francis)

法尔帕拉索大学(Valparaiso University)

瓦伯西学院(Wabash College)








印第安纳收费公路(Indiana Toll Road,I-80/I-90/I-94)





印第安纳波利斯小马 (Indianapolis Colts)


圣母大学 (Notre Dame) (Fighting Irish)

普度大学 (Purdue University) (Boilermakers)



印第安纳波利斯印地安人 (Indianapolis Indians,3A级国际联盟,母队:匹兹堡海盗)

韦恩堡巫师 (Fort Wayne Wizards,1A级中西部联盟,母队:圣地牙哥教士)

南弯银鹰 (South Bend Silver Hawks,1A级中西部联盟,母队:亚历桑纳响尾蛇)



印第安纳溜马 (Indiana Pacers)


Indiana University

普度大学 (Purdue University) (Boilermakers)

迪保尔大学 (DePauw University)

Indiana State University

圣母大学 (Notre Dame) (Fighting Irish)

法尔帕拉索大学 (Valparaiso University)


印第安纳狂热 (Indiana Fever)


** 普度大学 (Purdue University) (Lady Boilermakers)


Indy 500




美国绝大多数地区实施日光节约时间,印第安纳州由于地处美东时区西缘,州民决议不使用日光节约时间,以免夏季日落太晚,但西北角芝加哥(伊利诺州)附近(Jasper, Lake, LaPorte, Newton, Porter等五郡)及西南角伊凡斯维尔附近(Gibson, Posey, Spencer, Vanderburgh, Warrick等五郡)和美中时区一致,东南辛辛那堤(俄亥俄州)附近(Dearborn及Ohio等二郡)及路易维尔(肯塔基州)附近(Clark, Floyd, Harrison三郡)则和美东时区一致,意即在大城市附近的郡和大城市一起作息。因此,全州分成三个时区:1. 美东时间:辛辛那堤及路易维尔附近 2. 美中时间:芝加哥及伊凡斯维尔附近 3. 印第安纳时间:其他地区(冬季与美东时间一致,夏季与美中时间一致)


第1个回答  2007-02-25
第2个回答  2007-03-10
Welcome to Indiana. From the days of wilderness explorers to the present, Indiana has served as the crossroads of America. It's physical location has destined the state to be a corridor for movement from north to south and east to west. For the French trappers and traders, Indiana was the link between Canada and Louisiana, giving birth to the settlement of Vincennes. The British saw Indiana's strategic importance, and took over in 1763. After the American Revolution, and the War of 1812, settlers continued to move through, arriving via the waterways and overland, and by 1816 when Indiana gained statehood, 60,000 people had settled here. Then, prior to the Civil War, the Underground Railroad flourished throughout the state, and Indiana became a conduit to freedom in Canada for thousands of fleeing slaves.

Today, Indiana still claims to be the Crossroads of America. Indianapolis is the junction of interstate highways, and serves as the base for many of America's trucking lines. Combined with the state's manufacturing and industrial base, Indiana's transportation systems continue to keep America on the move.

Indiana was the name given to the Indiana Territory by the United States Congress when Indiana was created from the Northwest Territory in 1800.

It means "Land of Indians."

Source: Shearer, Benjamin F. and Barbara S. State Names, Seals, Flags and Symbols Greenwood Press, Westport, Connecticut - 1994

The Hoosier State: In an 1831 letter from G.L. Murdock to General Tom Tipton, Mr. Murdock states "Our Boat will [be] named the Indiana Hoosier." On January 1, 1833, the Indianapolis Journal used John Finley's poem, "The Hoosier's Nest" as their "Carriers' Address".

Indiana may have been referred to as "The Hoosier State" since the early 1830s. There are many explanations for this nickname, some of them quite illogical and humorous and others believable. Like many nicknames, Hoosier may have been used contemptuously to refer to the people in Indiana.

The Who's Here Story - This explanation builds on the story that Indianans were a nosey lot who called out "Who's here?" to every house they passed. A variation of this theory has the inhabitant of the house calling "Who's yere?" when a visitor knocked on the door. The story goes that "Who's here" or "Who's yere" eventually evolved into the word "Hoosier."

The Who's Ear Story - Another sound-alike story, this one perpetrated by James Whitcomb Riley, "The Hoosier Poet," facetiously suggests the term "Hoosier" was born of the unruly and pugnacious nature of the early settlers in Indiana. Early Indianans fought viciously during tavern brawls, gouging, scratching and sometimes biting off a nose or an ear. So common were these incidents that when a settler entering a tavern the next morning saw an ear on the floor, he would nudged it casually with his shoe and ask "Who's ear?"

The Fighting Indianans - One story asserts that the term Hoosier came from the bullying and rambunctious Indiana rivermen, always ready for a brawl, who were reputed to be quite successful in coming out on top, "hushing" their opponents. They became known as "Hushers" and eventually "Hoosiers."

Mr. Hoosier - It is said that a contractor named Hoosier liked to hire Indiana men for work on the Louisville and Portland Canal. These men became known as "Hoosier's men" and later, "Hoosiers."

The Indiana Historian - Jacob Piatt Dunn, Jr., Indiana historian and longtime secretary of the Indiana Historical Society found that the word, "hoosier" was used, in the south, to refer to woodsmen and rough hill people. Mr. Piatt traced this word back to England and the word "hoozer," meaning anything large in the Cumberland dialect. This was derived from the Anglo-Saxon "hoo" meaning high or hill. Mr. Pratt suggests that this word was brought from England and applied to people who lived in the southern mountains. This word then migrated north to the southern hills of Indiana. "Hoosier" is still sometimes used in the southern United States to characterize someone who is less then sophisticated, or more bluntly, an "ignorant rustic."

The Methodist Preacher - It was originally put forth by William Pearson in the June, 1995 issue of the "Indiana Magazine of History," that the term "Hoosier" was derived from the name of a southern, black Methodist preacher named Harry Hoosier. According to William Pearson, Hoosier served white ministers and preached when allowed. Harry Hoosier was an excellent speaker and one of the most dynamic preachers of his time.

According to Pierson, some were disturbed by an anti-slavery african-american man preaching to multiracial audiences and Hoosier was especially disliked by Virginia Baptists. Animosity toward "Black Harry Hoosier" may have caused a negative veil to settle on the name that may have eventually evolved to mean someone who was ignorant and/or uncouth. Of course, like many nicknames, originating as slurs, the negative conotation has been lost to history.

Crossroads of America: Indiana is sometimes as the "Crossroads of America." This is the Official State Motto of Indiana.

Source: The Indiana Historical Bureau, ((), September 22, 2002
Meriam-Webster's "Word for the Wise", (), September 22, 2002
Monroe County Public Library, What is a Hoosier, (), September 22, 2002. Indiana University Diversity News, Human Mosaic for February 1998, (), September 22, 2002
Shearer, Benjamin F. and Barbara S. State Names, Seals, Flags and Symbols Greenwood Press, Westport, Connecticut - 1994
Shankle, George Earlie, Phd State Names, Flags, Seals, Songs, Birds, Flowers and Other Symbols H. H. Wilson Company, New York - 1938 (Reprint)

People who live in or come from Indiana are called Indianans or Indianians or... they're called Hoosiers.

The Indiana state quarter was officially unveiled on August 8, 2002 at Indianapolis Motor Speedway. It is the 19th quarter to be released in the U.S. Mint's 50 State Quarters?Program and the fourth to be released in 2002.

he Hoosier State's quarter is centered around a modern "Indy" car calling attention to the world-famous Indianapolis 500 and the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. The racer is superimposed over an image of the state and seems to roll out of the circle of 19 stars. Below the car is the inscription CROSSROADS OF AMERICA. 1816 is the year that Indiana was admitted to the union.
第3个回答  2007-03-03
Indiana is the 19th U.S. state and is located in the Midwest region of the United States of America. With over six million residents, it is ranked 15th in population and 17th in population density.[2] It is 38th in land area.

Indiana is a diverse state with a few large urban areas and a number of smaller industrial cities. It is best known for the Indianapolis 500 American automobile race, held annually over the Memorial Day weekend and a strong basketball tradition. Residents of Indiana are called Hoosiers.

The state's name means "Land of the Indians" and Angel Mounds State Historic Site, one of the best preserved prehistoric Native American sites in the United States, can be found in southern Indiana
Indiana is bounded on the north by Lake Michigan and the state of Michigan; on the east by Ohio; on the south by Kentucky, with which it shares the Ohio River as a border; and on the west by Illinois. Indiana is one of the Great Lakes states.

The northern boundary of the states of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois was originally defined to be a latitudinal line drawn through the southernmost tip of Lake Michigan. Since such a line would not provide Indiana with usable frontage on the lake, its northern border was shifted ten miles north. The northern borders of Ohio and Illinois were also shifted from this original plan.

The 475 mile (764 km) long Wabash River bisects the state from northeast to southwest and has given Indiana a few theme songs, On the Banks of the Wabash, The Wabash Cannonball and Back Home Again, In Indiana.[5][6] The White River (a tributary of the Wabash, which is a tributary of the Ohio) zigzags through central Indiana.
State bird: Cardinal
State flower: Peony
State motto: "Crossroads of America."
State poem: Indiana, by Arthur Franklin Mapes.
State song: On the Banks of the Wabash, Far Away
State river: Wabash
State stone: Salem limestone
State tree: Tulip tree



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