follow和follow up可以翻译为跟踪吗


我认为追踪最好用“trace”这个词。 1跟踪,追踪: The murderer was traced to Paris. 那个凶手被追踪到巴黎。 2追溯;探索: The book traces the history of social development. 这本书追溯了社会发展史。 They tried to trace the rumour to its source. 他们试图追查谣言的根源。 3查出,探出,找到,发现(或探查出)(史前遗迹等): Her annoyance can be clearly traced in her letter. 在她的信中可以很清楚地看出她的不快。 The family are trying to trace the missing dog. 全家人正在设法找寻失踪的狗。下面把follow和follow up的意思贴出了供你参考。 follow vt. 跟随;遵循;追求;密切注意,注视;注意;倾听 vi. 跟随;接着 n. 跟随;追随 follow up 1穷追,紧追不舍: The hunter is following up a wolf. 那猎人正在追踪一条狼。 2用进一步行动来加强…的效果,对…采取进一步行动: After Mary sent a letter to apply for a job, she followed it up by going to talk to the personnel manager. 玛丽发出求职信后,她接着还找人事部经理面谈。 3追究到底;干到底: to follow up a lead, clue,rumour 4顺着头绪、线索、谣言进行调查进一步照…行事: I think we should follow up his suggestions;it sounds reasonable. 我想我们应该进一步照他的建议去干,它听起来可行。 5对(病人)随访;继续;继承 6(足球队员)靠近盘球队员作后援



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