


1. The football under the table is (he).

2. Helen (visit) her grandparent on Sunday.

3. Did you (watch) a film last week ?

4. I'd like (have) a party.

5. They are (water) flowers at home .

6. We (milk) cows and picked apples on a farm .

7. Helen's family (be) at home last Sunday .

8. Please open (they) for _ (I ).9. The new mirror is (she).

10. Jim likes (watch) TV very much .

11. They (go) to a farm on Christmas Day .

12. (do) Ben and Mike (go) to school together ?

13. Su Yang is (look) for (she) camera now .14.New Year's Day is (come).

15. We (help) her with (do) housework just now .

16. She (like) (listen) to music.

17. People (go) to the park every morning .

18. Listen! The girl (sing) over there .

19. Mike (have)a blue balloon. And I (have) a green one .

20. There (be) some bread on the plate .Can I (have) some ?

21. Let's (clean) the windows.

22. When's (he) birthday ?23. Now the children are (sing) the song .

24. Ben often (have) breakfast at seven in the morning .

25. I (be) at school a moment ago ,I (be) at home now .

26. The girl (visit) Doctor Wang last month .

27. Sunday is the (one) day of a week.

28. Can you help (she) (do) housework?

29. Listen ! The little girl is (cry).

30. The man in a white shirt is the park (keep).

31. There was an (excite) volleyball match in their school last week.

32. They are going to have a Sports Day on the (twenty-one) of December.

33. Would you like (any) bread ?

34. My birthday's on the (three) of November.

35. Today is (Teachers) Day.36.Mike (not) like listening to music.

37. Wang Bin (give) Ben a new model plane as a birthday present yesterday.

38. Do you like (collect) stamps ?

39. Where are (you)CD ? They (be) in the desk yesterday evening.

40. There (be) a pair of (glass) on the sofa now .

41. All the workers are very (excite).42.The race is very (excite) .

43. She (draw) pictures every week .44.Your shoes (be) there just now .

45. Go and ask (he) the way .46.We are (have) a birthday party .

47. There (be) a big cake and some candles .48.It is the (five) of October .

49. My birthday's coming . Let's (has) a party .

50. We are now (live) in China .

1. his 2. visits 3. watch 4. to have 5. watering
6. milked 7. are 8. them, me 9. hers 10. to watching
11. go 12. Do, go 13. looking, her 14. coming 15. helped
16. likes listening 17. go 18. is singiing 19. has, have 20. is, have
21. clean 22. his 23. his 24. singing 24. has 25. was, am
26. visited 27. first 28. her do 29. crying 30. keeper
31. exciting 32. trwety-first 33. some 34. third 35. Teachers'
36. doesn't 37. gave 38. to collect 39. your, are 40. is, glasses
41. excited 42. exciting 43. draws 44. were 45. him
46. having 47. is 48. fifth 49. have 50. living
第1个回答  2010-12-22
My parents once_____(live) in Shanghai.翻译一下,这里的词组是什么
During the past three years,he____(make)great progress.
Where is Jake? --He___(go)to the teachers'office.
___(make) things even worse,it began to rain.
She failed___(pass)the English exam.
Peple have done much___(make)better use of the Changjiang River.
Take care___(not hit)the car.
lived 我的父母曾经住在上海。 once=曾经,因为是曾经,所以用过去时
has made 在过去的三年里,他取得了巨大的进步。因为是一个从过去持续到现在的动作,而且对现在发生影响,所以用现在完成时。
has gone 杰克在哪里?他已经去了老师办公室。因为是“已经”,所以用完成时。
Making 更糟糕的是,开始下雨了。非谓语从句,以ing形式开头。
to pass 她没能通过英语考试。fail to do做某事失败了,非谓语,to do 形式。
to make 人们已经为更好的利用长江做了很多。也是非谓语,to do 形式。
not to hit 小心别撞到车。依旧是非谓语,否定形式 not to do本回答被网友采纳



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