

Along with the rapid development of the Internet, the Internet has played an important role by its superiorities in people's life. All kinds of website have appeared with this trend, among which some gateway websites and the service organizations by voting in the internet have gradually come into people’s life . This article, through the generalized analysis on the present internet voting system and the introduction to several hot web development technology, presents a description on the functions of best column evaluation system of voting in internet.
第1个回答  2010-12-10
As the Internet develops rapidly, it plays an important role in people’s life due to its various advantages.
Different kinds of websites come into existence by taking this trend, and some portals and service providers that utilize Internet to carry out the network voting gradually step into people’s life.
This paper will give out the functional description of the best column screening system, which uses the network voting method, by comprehensively analyzing the current network voting system and introducing some kinds of hot web development technologies at present.
Copyright@2010 Lawrence H.D.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2010-12-09
With rapid development of internet, internet play important role in people's life by its advantages. All kinds of internet webs come into being and some webportrals and service institutes step into people's life by using of web noting in the internet. The essay takes analysis of web noting systems present and several hot web developing technology, then draw the conclusion of function discription of exellent columns of web noting.
第3个回答  2010-12-10
Along with the rapid development of Internet, the Internet with their advantages in people's lives occupy the important position. Various websites also for luck and health, some of them use the Internet to a network voting portals and service organization come into people's life. This article through the current network voting system analysis, and through the current several popular web development technology, the introduction and analysis is given based on network voting excellent columns selection system function description.

(this is to write thesis, through his own English too times seek a know the double ha. Say it again: don't use software to translate. Thank you!




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