


1. 先生,早

Good morning, sir.

2. 你要用车吗?

Need a taxi?

3. 有行李吗?

Any luggage?

4. 要帮忙吗?

May I help you?

5. 欢迎搭乘本车。


6. 请进。

Get in, please.

7. 欢迎到北京。

Welcome to Beijing.

8. 你要去哪?

Where to?

9. 请系安全带。

Please buckle up.

10. 你好,我名叫李大明。

Hello, my name is Li Da-ming.

11. 您是哪里的人?

Where are you from?

12. 您要去哪?

Where to?

Where do you want to go?

13. 您在赶时间?

Are you in a hurry?

14. 第一次来北京?

First time in Beijing?

15. 您预计在这停留多久?

How long will you stay in Taiwan?

16. 请及时告知下车的时间及地点。

Let me know where to stop.

17. 只要十分钟车程。

Only 10 minutes'drive.

18. 请让我看地址卡片。

Please show me the address.

19. 先生,到了。

Here we are, sir.

20. 这就是北京车站。

Here's Beijing Railway Station.

21. 您要在下一个转角下车吗?

Do you want to stop at the next corner?

Stop at next corner?

22. 照表付费。

Please pay by the meter.

23. 根据计程表,车资九十元。

By the meter 90 NT dollars.

24. 须照表附加二十元。

Please add twenty dollars extra.

25. 总共是人民币110 元。

The total is 110 RMB yuan.

26. 这是您的找零。

Here is your change.

27. 谢谢搭乘我的车。

Thank you for taking my taxi.

28. 祝你有个美好的一天

Have a nice day.

29. 祝你旅途愉快。

Enjoy your trip.

30. 下车时,请注意往来行人。

Watch out for the people passing by.

31. 开门时请留意路况闪躲摩托车、公车。

Please watch out for the motorcycles and cars.

32. 你要我在这儿等吗?

Would you like me to wait here?

33. 您说什麼?


34. 这个我不会用英语说。

I don't know the word in English for this.

35. 你们国家的天气如何?

What is the weather like in your country?

36. 你要在北京多久?

How long do you plan to travel in Beijing?
第1个回答  2007-02-18
bu zhidoa



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