初三 英语 Duty report

这次 的 主题 老师说 写关于 自己 的 ,什么 爱好 ,看法 …………
时长为2分钟, 你们 应该 知道 要写多少了吧

内容要包括: 天气,日期,礼貌用语。我 爱好 体育 ,各种各样都会, 特别是 篮球足球 等等( 就可以 拓展到 喜欢什么NBA明星 , 看球赛 , 锻炼身体。 使身体健康之类的,) 特别爱看漫画, 比如 龙珠。海贼王 , 灌篮 ………… 有多少漫画书 , 疯狂程度, 还会经常 和 同学讨论 等等(期间穿插如看了海贼王 想去 大海 航行, 当一个”海盗“, 以前喜欢 玩电脑 游戏 (可以谈谈危害之类), 但现在 已经找不到一个玩下去的理由 , 现在上网 主要是 上论坛讨论, 学 电脑技术, 喜欢看 各种各样的新闻 , 知识面很广…… 适当 拓展, 食物 方面的 问题 , 如 爱吃 什么 ,什么对身体不好, 该怎么样………… 现在 面临考试 一天天临近, 鼓励大家 认真复习 , 对学习的 看法 , 有 假期的安排 等等,
喜欢 摇滚乐,
想不到 了 , 但 上面的内容 肯定不够, 大家 适当加点 , 一定要衔接连贯, 初三水平 , 不要 太超出了, 2分钟 的哦, 明天 早上 就要 用的,

悬赏大大的有 ,
我擦, 一个写的都没有? 帮帮忙吧

Hey guys! Today is December 8th. Is a sunny day too.I want to give you a duty report which is an introduction about me.

I am an outgoing girl. So I extremely like playing sports and I am good at every sport too, especially playing basketball and football, etc. Michael is my favorite basketball star. I usually watch the match with my friends or my father. They are admiring Michaels’ extraordinary basketball skills. We are not only watch the games, but also play the basketball in every Saturday afternoon. We think it is beneficial for our health indeed.

Reading cartoon series are my interest too. Because I love the main characters’ spirit, I learn a lot from their attitude towards their story. Such as the most famous cartoon series, One Piece. His motto is never give up. And he regards his companion as the most precious gift as well as protects them no matter what. I was totally moved by his actions. This is why I am so crazy about the cartoon series. Also, I will discuss the cartoon with my classmate .

Formerly I was fond of playing computer games. But I was aware of the harmful of playing computer games. So I usually take part in some discussions on the BBS. Sometimes I will learn the computer skills. To Watch a great deal of news not only will enlarge my eyes but also will increase my knowledge.

I like eating tasty food but I know what food is beneficial for us and I will avoid eating the junk food.Keeping a balance diet is a good way to improve your health. It is good to eat more vegetable and fruit which can keep you body in a good condition.

The examination is approaching,I suggest that we should be more industrious to review our testbooks.As we all know, one reaps no more than what one has sown(一分耕耘一分收获).So I think we need to work hard so as to spend a happy and easy holiday.

第1个回答  2010-12-08
天气你自己写,你喜欢踢足球可以写;I Like Play soccer. NBA明星写名字
第2个回答  2010-12-08
第3个回答  2010-12-08



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