money is the root of evil正方论据

我们组参加money is the root of evil辩论,我们是正方,希望大家能提供论点或论据什么的


一开始,你可以列举一下一些"cruel truth",比如说一些社会新闻,让大家觉得触目惊心的,随即马上指出这些惨剧的背后都是因为the love which is not based on their own feelings,own minds,but the money。然后马上就点出你的主题——love of money is the root of all evil.


最后,你要点出true love的意义所在。我觉得这是一个升华的作用,所以要做好。可以用排比的句式把历史上一些真爱至上的例子点出来,然后说明love of money is the root of all devil,but the true love is destined to solve such problems and brings hopes。


good luck lol
非原创 出处

There is such a controversial debate that "is money the root of evil?".
From my standpoint,money is not the root of evil.Because,money just acts as the currency in human's society.People just regard it as a tool.It makes the commercial activities much easier than ever it was.I think why some people think the money is the root of evil is because money sometimes has more meaning than itself.
Nowdays,money mostly is equal to power,authority,freedom,and socail status.So I think the title is better to change from "money is the root of evil" to "desire is the root of evil".Desire is the basic essence of human beings.A suitable desire is truly workable and safe.It will give your power to achieve your goal,your dearm and better life.But,you know everythink should get a balance,If it overtakes,it can be much terrible than you can imaginate.Desire is such a kind.If you are controlled by the desire,you will make everything even it is very dirty,guilty,unethical,or criminal.So it's very important to learn to be content.
I really know this kind of debate exists in China,With the fast develepment in such a short time,China has got a big problem in treasure distribution.So there is a small group of chinese who are extremely rich while the left majority people still very poor.What' more,the minoity rich people use their money to do some thinks that really hurt the poor person.I always hold the opinion that money is made from the society,so the people who make a lot of money have the responsibility to donate a part to the society.It is the retribution and also it a kind of charity,but it is truly the responsibility.This is the only way to keep the society,the nation,even the world harmony.
第1个回答  2010-12-07
I don't think money is the root of evil.In my opnion,it is people's endless desire for money that is truly evil.of course with money we本回答被网友采纳



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