英语一道语法题目,关于whose和of whom?

This test is for students ___ native language is not English.
A. whose B. of whom
这道题答案是A,但是whose不是等价于of whom吗?为什么不可以选B呢

回答:关系代词whose可以指代人、物, 在定语从句中可以作定语。关系代词whose+ 名词相当于the + 名词 + of which 或者 the + 名词 + of whom, 还相当于of which / of whom + the + 名词。例如:
1. The house whose windows face to the south is a clinic of the mountainous village. 窗户朝南的那座房子是这个山村的诊所。
= The house the windows of which face to the south is a clinic of the mountainous village.
= The house of which the windows face to the south is a clinic of the mountainous village.
2. The Party and the government are greatli concerned about the old people of only one-child families whose children have died. 党和政府十分关心失去孩子的独生子女家庭的老人。
= The Party and the government are greatly concerned about the old people of only one-child families the children of whom have died.
= The Party and the government are greatly concerned about the old people of only one-child families of whom the children have died.
鉴于此,你的这道题之所以不选择答案B是因为students 与native 之间应该加定冠词the,即先行词students + of whom + the +名词短语native language。也可以改成:... students the native language of whom...。
第1个回答  2020-12-01

语法中没有whose=of whom之说。本句考查定语从句,不难看出,定语从句主语不齐全,普通名词前少了物主代词。
在定语从句中,表示“某物的”,可用whose+物=of which+物=物+of which。



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