英语口语命题说话问:你的理想是什么?为什么? 答:我的理想是当一名医生……


Hi ! My name is Vivian. In the future. I want to be a doctor.
Everyone has a wonderdul dream. Somebody wants to be a report,
somebody wants to be a police, somebody wants to be an English
teacher. But my dream is want to be a doctor. Because I want to
help other poeple. I like helping pthers. I think it is a interesting
job. I love all the people of the world. Everyone is healthy and
happy. I will be happy.
So I will to study hard.

意思:你们好! 我的名字叫xxx。 在将来。 我想当一名医生。
每个人都有一个精彩的梦想。 一些想当记者, 一些想当警察, 一些想
当英语老师。 不过我只想当一名医生。 因为我想帮助人民。 我喜欢帮
他们。 我想这份工作一定很刺激。 我的工作就是医治病人。 如果每个
人都是健康和快乐的。 我也就快乐了。
第1个回答  2010-12-20
My ideal is to become a doctor in a hospital after my graduation from the college.The reason is easy that,as we all know,a doctor's responsibilty is to help the other people and save the others lives.My understanding is that is the most precious in the world.When I was in my childhood,I was educated that life must be respected and protected under any cricumstances.Menwhile,I realize that helping the other people release the pain is always glorious and admirable.As you can see that China has a great population,and there are many diseases,some of them are local diseases .So I think I will certainly have lots of things to do in a hospital.Therefore,I like to be a doctor in the future.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2010-12-20
gugi006的回答还行,只是错的单词太多!( report, police, pthers ) So I will to study hard. 这 句多余!lemmenqin 的太书面化了!求人不如求己,自己解决吧!
第3个回答  2010-12-28



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