







顺带一说,以现在的现状,护卫舰、驱逐舰、巡洋舰没什么区别,谁造的谁命名。什么谁吨位大谁吨位小已经成了无稽之谈。护卫舰(Frigate),驱逐舰(Destroyer)巡洋舰(Cruiser)的划分已经越来越模糊。比如德国7300吨的巴登-符腾堡级是护卫舰,美国9800吨的提康德罗加级是巡洋舰。日本甚至日文全都叫护卫舰,同时却使用驱逐舰的英文简称。比如接近2万吨的日向级直升机护卫舰。但是代号却用的是DDH(Hyūga-class helicopter destroyer ,ひゅうが型护卫舰, 罗马音Hyūga-gata-go-ei-kan)日文汉字名字叫“护卫舰”,英文名却是destroyer。



    Type 11 : Diesel powered anti-submarine frigate based on hull of Type 41 / 61. Not built.

    Type 12 Whitby : Steam powered, high-speed "first-rate" anti-submarine frigate.

    Type 12M Rothesay : Modified Type 12 design.

    Type 12I Leander : Improved Type 12, general purpose frigate.

    Type 14 Blackwood : Steam powered, high-speed, "second-rate" anti-submarine frigate.

    Type 15 : High-speed anti submarine frigate, full conversion of wartime destroyer hulls of the "R" class.

    Type 16 : High-speed anti submarine frigate, limited conversion of wartime destroyer hulls of the "T", "O" and "P" classes.

    Type 17 : "Third-rate" anti-submarine frigate, analogous to wartime corvettes. Design abandoned in 1953. Not built.

    Type 18 : High-speed anti submarine frigate, intermediate conversion of wartime destroyer hulls of the "N", "S", "T" and "Z" classes (and intended to replace the Type 16). Design abandoned in 1953. Not built.

    Type 19 : Very high speed (42 knot) gas turbine powered anti-submarine frigate. Design abandoned in 1965. Not built.

    Type 21 Amazon: General purpose, gas-turbine powered commercially designed frigate.

    Type 22 Broadsword : Large, gas-turbine powered, anti-submarine frigates.

    Type 23 Duke : Gas-turbine and diesel powered, anti-submarine frigates. Smaller and less expensive than the Type 22, with similar capabilities. 16 built.

    Type 24 : Cheap frigate design ("Future Light Frigate") intended for export. In RN service would have served as a towed array ASW ship. Not built.

    Type 25 : More capable development of the Type 24, designed to have almost the capability of a Type 22 but at only three-quarters of the cost. Much of the thinking, including the diesel-electric machinery, went into the Type 23. Not built.

    Type 26 : Global Combat Ship : First announced in March 2010, and formerly known as the Future Surface Combatant. Initial orders placed in February 2014.[2]

    Type 31 : The Type 31 frigate is the proposed General Purpose frigate as set out in the Strategic Defence and Security Review 2015.[3]

    Type 32 : The Type 32 frigate was mentioned recently in November 2020 as a future frigate.


    Type 41 Leopard-class : Diesel powered anti-aircraft frigate built on common hull with Type 61.

    Type 42(i) East coast frigate : High speed coastal escort. Not built

    Type 42(ii) Sheffield-class : Gas-turbine powered, fleet area-defence anti-aircraft destroyer.

    Type 43 : Large gas-turbine powered, "double-ended" (Sea Dart launchers fore and aft), fleet area-defence anti-aircraft destroyer. Project cancelled in 1981 with none built.

    Type 44: A smaller version of the Type 43 with better anti-submarine capability. Cancelled.

    Type 45 Daring-class : Fleet area-defence anti-aircraft destroyer to replace Type 44 project. 6 built.


    Type 61 Salisbury : Diesel powered aircraft-direction frigate built on common hull with Type 41.

    Type 62 M class : High-speed aircraft-direction frigate, full conversion of wartime destroyer hulls. Not built.


    Type 81 Tribal : Single-shaft steam / gas-turbine powered general purpose "colonial" frigates.

    Type 82 Bristol : Large steam / gas-turbine powered fleet anti-aircraft and anti-submarine destroyer. 1 built of 4 initially planned.

    Type 83: proposed in the 2021 Defence Command Paper as the successor to the Type 45 Destroyer entering service in the late 2030s.




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