

1-15 B D BB B D BCAD B A B DCAB C A CII. 16-35 BAADC ABBCD BBCCD DACBB Ⅲ. 36-45 B C D A D A B D C B IV. 46-60 DABDC BDCAC BABDC V. 61–65 B E A D C VI. 66. been here 67. have heard of 68. by ourselves 69. to be kind to 70. reading VII. 71. Where are 72. doesn’t work 73. Would you 74.careful, cross 75. as as VIII. 76. have 77. buildings 78. look 79. more 80. enough 81. but 82. first 83. finished 84. in 85. them IX. One possible version Who is the person I love most? Somebody who teaches us knowledge gives us teachers’ love. Somebody who makes friends with us gives us friends’ love. Who is the person I love most? I think my parents are the persons I love most. First, they give me the best living materials such as food, drink, warm clothes and even some toys. Second, they teach me knowledge. They help me a lot with my study. They also teach me a special thing that is how to be a man. Third, they give me love. When I was ill, they tried to make me happy. Family is like a house full of love and friendship. I hope every child will give his love in return for his parents’ love.

1. D CDCCABC A B DA C B D B CBA What has happened: We have just moved(1.1);This has not been easy(1.3); I have… put(11.4-5); I have ever seen(1.9) What has been happening: I have been working(1.1);I have been trying(1.2) C have explained…have understood…Have you been listening…has been working/ has worked…has been earning/ has earned…has she earned…have not been listening 2 / 1 carefully 2 hard 3 hard 4 late 5 nearly 6 fast 7 high 3/ 1 b 2c 3c 4a 5b 6d 7 c 8 b 9a 10 c 11b 12 d
1 浏览862016-04-16
A )请根据句意及首字母提示完成下列句子。 21. There is a big tree in f_______ of Jim's house. 22. The bus will take you there. You can't m_____ it. 23. I'll wait for you u______ you come back. 24. My mother is cooking dinner in the k_______. 25. There is a car a_____ on the road. Many policemen ( 警察 ) are around it. B )请用括号中所给单词的适当形式 填空 ,完成下列句子。 26. I like _____ (read) English stories after school. 27. The bookstore is on the ______ (three) floor. 28. When you drive you must be _______ (care) and obey the traffic rules. 29. Many ______ (child) are playing games on the playground. 30. The movie is _______ (real) wonderful. C )请根据中文提示,用词组的适当形式完成下列句子,每空一词。 31. My classmates are _____ _______ ( 谈论 )Han Geng. 32. Let's go ______ _______ ( 立刻 ), or we'll be late. 33. The train station is _______ _______ ( 离 ...... 远 ) my home. 34. He often _______ __________ ( 受伤 ) in P . E. classes. 35. Don't stop and ______ ________ ( 继续行走 ). You'll get to the hospital in five minutes ( 分钟 ). Ⅵ . 单项选择 请从各题后所给的选项中选出最佳选项。 ( )36. There _________ an old clock, a computer and some books on the desk. A. have B. be C. has D. is ( )37. -How can I get to the museum? -Walk _____ this street and it's about two hundred meters _____ on the left. A. with, up B. down, along C. at, up D. from, down ( )38. The keys are on the desk. Please __________. A. put them away B. put away them C. put them on D. put on them ( )39. -Don't drive so fast, or the policeman will give you a _____ for speeding. -OK. A. ticket B. photo C. card D. cost ( )40. She's ________ her purse, but she can't _____ it. A. look for, find B. looking for, find C. finding, look for D. find, looking for ( )41. We often see the sign "________" in a busy street . So don't park your car there. A B C D ( )42. -What's the matter? -There is ______ with my bike. A. something wrong B. wrong something C. anything wrong D. wrong anything ( )43. The post office is ______ the bookstore and the hospital. A. from B. between C. in D. on ( )44. My computer doesn't work, so I must ____ someone ______ it. A. let, to check B. call, checking C. get, to check D. ask, check ( )45. - ______ is the bank from here? -It's about 3 kilometers away. A. How long B. How far C. How many D. How much ( )46. There is ________ train station in the town, but there is a bus station. A. not B. no a C. a D. no ( )47. I hear him _______ the piano wonderfully. A. plays B. playing C. to play D. is playing ( )48. _________ turn right! A. Don't B. Not C. Isn't D. No ( )49. -What does your mother look like? - __________. A. She is kind B. She is tall with long black hair C. She likes teaching D. She likes us very much ( )50. -I'm sorry I can't help you now. - _________. A. Thank you very much B. Thanks for your help C. Thank you all the same D. You are welcome Ⅶ . 完形 填空 请先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从所给选项中选出最佳选项。 When you are in England, you must be very careful in the streets because the traffic keeps on the left. Before you 51 a street, you must look 52 the right first and then to the left. In the morning and in the evening, when people go to or come back from work, the streets are very 53. Traffic is the most dangerous ( 危险的 ) at that time. When you go 54 bus in England, you have to be careful, too. Always remember ( 记住 ) the traffic 55 on the left. Have a look first, or you may go the 56 way. In 57 English cities, there are big buses 58 two floors. You can sit ( 坐 ) on the 59 floor. From there you can see the city very 60. It's very interesting. ( )51. A. cross B. go C. across D. turn ( )52. A. after B. from C. for D. to ( )53. A. long B. busy C. difficult D. small ( )54. A. on B. take C. by D. to ( )55. A. works B. walks C. tries D. drives ( )56. A. wrong B. right C. left D. straight ( )57. A. much B. many C. little D. few ( )58. A. at B. for C. like D. with ( )59. A. two B. second C. one D. first ( )60. A. good B. nice C. much D. well Ⅷ . 阅读 理解 A FOR RENT 3-bedroom house about ¥ 350 per month. Call Mrs. Tang at 8:00 in the evening. Tel: 2891-6863 LOST I lost my school ID card. My name is Steve. Please call 685-3320. WANTED Looking for a quiet double room about ¥ 300 per month. Please call Maria at 13008006033. WANTED Can you work 10 hours a day? If you can, come and work for us. We need a waiter ( 服务 员 )!Call Rong's Restaurant at 555-6539. 请根据材料内容判断下列说法正 (T) 误 (F) 。 ( )61. If you want to rent a house with three bedrooms, you should call Mrs. Tang at 8:00 in the morning. ( )62. Steve lost his school ID card. He is looking for it. ( )63. John has a quiet double room for rent. He can call 2891-6863. ( )64. Maria will pay 350 yuan per month for a room. ( )65. If Jack wants to be a waiter in Rong's Restaurant, he should work 10 hours every day. B It's 8:30 in the morning. Miss Green goes into the classroom and finds Jane isn't in. Then she begins her lesson. She asks the students to do the math problems on the blackboard. "May I come in, madam?" a girl asks at the door. "Come in, please," says Miss Green. "You're ten minutes late, Jane." The girl is often late and every time she makes an excuse. "I'm sorry, madam," says Jane. "I'm late because the traffic is bad, and I have to wait for the lights to turn green." "But why don't you catch an earlier ( 更早的 ) bus?" asks Miss Green. "I just take the earlier bus. But the later bus often overtakes ( 超过 ) the earlier one!" answers Jane. 请根据短文内容从所给的选项中选出最佳选项。 ( )66. It's ______ when Jane comes. A. 8:10 a.m. B. 8:20 a.m. C. 8:30 a.m. D. 8:40 a.m. ( )67. Miss Green is a(n) ________ teacher. A. history B. Chinese C. math D. English ( )68. What's the meaning ( 意思 ) of "make an excuse" in Chinese? A. 找借口 B. 请假 C. 不在意 D. 旷课 ( )69. Jane comes to school _______. A. by car B. on foot C. by bus D. by bicycle ( )70. 下面哪项说法不正确 ? A. Jane is often late for school. B. The class begins at 8:30 in the morning. C. Jane's bus is broken ( 坏的 ) on the way. D. Miss Green may not believe ( 相信 ) Jane. Ⅸ . 情景交际 A )请从Ⅱ栏中选出Ⅰ栏中各句的最佳应答语。 Ⅰ ( )71. Mary, where is your bedroom? ( )72. Don't play on the street. ( )73. Are there any shoes under the desk? ( )74. What's your home like? ( )75. Excuse me, is there a bank near here? Ⅱ A. OK. B. It's a farmhouse. C. It's next to my study. D. Sorry, I don't know. I'm new here. E. Yes, there are some. B )请选出恰当的选项完成下列对话。 A. How far is it from here? B. I think you should take a bus. C. Then you will be there. D. Yes, there is. E. How can I get to the post office? A: Excuse me. 76_________ B: Sorry, I don't know. You can go and ask the policeman. A: Thank you all the same. ... A: Excuse me. Is there a post office near here? C: 77________ Walk down this street and turn right at the first street. A: 78________ C: It's about 3 kilometers away. Oh, It's too late. 79________ A: Which bus should I take? C: You need to take the No. 20 bus and then change to the No. 8 bus at Shengli Bridge. 80________ A: Thanks a lot. Ⅹ . 遣词造句 请根据每题所提供的图画情景和提示词语,写一个与图画情景相符的句子。 81. there be, desk 82. Peter, like, make, model 83. not, play, street 84. corner, street 85. wait for, your turn, red Ⅺ . 综合填空 请根据短文内容在空缺处填入适当的单词,补全短文,使其意思完整、通顺。 Bill lives on the second floor of a building. One Sunday morning while he and his friends are playing games at 86___, Uncle Wang comes 87_____ and knocks ( 敲 ) at the 88_______. He lives on the first floor. He 89_______, "I'm sorry to trouble ( 打扰 ) you, but I work at 90_______, so I have to sleep in the daytime ( 白天 ). If you are too 91________, I can't sleep at all. Would you please keep 92______?" Bill says 93_____ to Uncle Wang. After that, when they want to play, they go 94_______. He doesn't trouble Uncle Wang any more. Bill is getting on ( 相处 ) well 95______ his neighbors. Ⅻ . 书面表达 Amy 与 Jane 一起去看电影,途中 Amy 扭伤了脚, Jane 想送她去最近的医院,但她俩都不 知道去那儿的路,于是向一位警察( policeman )求助。 要求: 1. 对话形式,语句通顺,意思完整。 2. 60 词左右。 参考答案 Ⅴ . A ) 21. front 22. miss 23. until 24. kitchen 25. accident B ) 26. reading 27. third 28. careful 29. children 30. really C ) 31. talking about 32. right now 33. far from 34. gets hurt 35. walk on Ⅵ . 36-40 DBAAB 41-45 CABCB 46-50 DBABC Ⅶ . 51-55 ADBCD 56-60 ABDBD Ⅷ . A) 61-65 FTFFT B) 66-70 DCACC Ⅸ . A) 71-75 CAEBD B) 76-80 EDABC Ⅹ . 81. There is a computer on the desk. 82. Peter likes making model planes. 83.
第1个回答  2016-04-14
I. 1-15 B D BB B D BCAD B A B DCAB C A CII. 16-35 BAADC ABBCD BBCCD DACBB Ⅲ. 36-45 B C D A D A B D C B IV. 46-60 DABDC BDCAC BABDC V. 61–65 B E A D C VI. 66. been here 67. have heard of 68. by ourselves 69. to be kind to 70. reading VII. 71. Where are 72. doesn’t work 73. Would you 74.careful, cross 75. as as VIII. 76. have 77. buildings 78. look 79. more 80. enough 81. but 82. first 83. finished 84. in 85. them IX. One possible version Who is the person I love most? Somebody who teaches us knowledge gives us teachers’ love. Somebody who makes friends with us gives us friends’ love. Who is the person I love most? I think my parents are the persons I love most. First, they give me the best living materials such as food, drink, warm clothes and even some toys. Second, they teach me knowledge. They help me a lot with my study. They also teach me a special thing that is how to be a man. Third, they give me love. When I was ill, they tried to make me happy. Family is like a house full of love and friendship. I hope every child will give his love in return for his parents’ love.本回答被网友采纳



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